Frame control is one of the most important things you can learn.
You don’t need to assert your frame 100% of the time as long as you have a general understanding of the concept.
If another person has a better idea than you, it’s ok to back down.
There’s a difference between holding your ground and being a stubborn idiot.
Your Frame Needs To Be Bulletproof
Women demand leadership.
Relationships / sexual interactions take a nosedive when you try to fit into the girl’s frame.
If you are:
- Going to HER place
- Meeting HER friends
- And partying on HER turf
then you’re fucking up my son.
When you let her call the shots and try to fit into her schedule, you won’t get anywhere.
If you follow her lead, she’ll shit out a very complex obstacle course of:
- Orbiters
- Cockblocks
- And logistical problems
that will leave you draw-less.
She’s The One Who’s Becoming A Part Of Your Life, Not The Other Way Around
Normie relationship advice tells you to try harder to fit into her frame.
However, you’re not supposed to be “seeing eye-to-eye”.
As a man of value, you don’t make exceptions for difficult women.
If she really wanted to see you, she would agree to your plans.
At the very least, she’d counter-offer if she actually WAS busy.
You can keep lying to yourself and keep chasing un-receptive women, or you can learn to accept soft rejections and enjoy a much more fulfilling life.
If Leo DiCaprio or Justin Bieber offered to chill with the same girl who rejected you, do you think she’d turn them down?
Hellll nahhh…
Their value is high enough relative to hers.
Always evaluate whose frame the interaction is taking place in.
- Who’s asking more questions?
- Who’s more reactive?
- Who leans in more?
- Who cares less?
You Express A Solid Frame Naturally When You
Develop A Strong Personality
Don’t fidget.
Own your environment.
Devote yourself to your interests.
Be less reactive to others than they are to you.
Live your life to the fullest and invite girls along if they deserve it.
P.S. Enjoy this post? Read “ON! For Him“.
It contains my best game essays, organized for your convenience.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
Pingback: Inner-Game in a Nutshell | welcometothelifestyle
Pingback: Lightning Round – 2013/04/17 | Free Northerner
Good post. I need to remind myself of this from time to time.
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This is also an amazing cure for oneitis or rejection. If you remember that it’s *your* life that’s awesome and that she’s lucky to be involved in pieces of it, everything is easier to handle.
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