“I talk a lil bit to get you to follow me.”
-Andre Nickatina
Think about your standard soycuck.
- He grew up without strong male role models.
- He attempts to identify with the feminine in the hopes of getting laid.
- He places pussy on a pedestal, hoping girls will give him the time of day.
- He’s been castrated with a lifetime of propaganda demonizing everything about him.
The thought of acting indifferent never occurs to him.
To Set The Correct Frame Is To
Put Your Own Dick On A Pedestal
When you think of yourself as the prize, you naturally flip the script.
Women should qualify themselves to you because your time and attention is valuable.
Game is a small subsection of the larger use of power.
It’s an all-encompassing way of viewing the world that transcends the ability to fuck attractive women.
This is why people start to find success in other areas of their lives when they stop being idealists.
The proper application of power will allow you to achieve far more than a high notch count.
The effective execution of power is very subtle.
The goal is to be the person holding the cards without arousing resentment.
Game Flips The Script By Turning The Girl
Into The Pursuer
There simply is no other way.
To have successful intersexual relations, the woman must fit into YOUR frame.
The slightest differences in your attitude can leave you with significantly different results.
The realization that power is the highest value in the world has lead me to a new crossroads in my personal journey.
Attractive women have power purely because of their looks.
This is why they’re catered to on such a massive scale.
Being swamped with attention causes them to have a natural aloofness towards guys who don’t meet their standards.
Mirror This Attitude Back To Them
Game is all about treating females the same way that high status (good-looking) women treat the hordes of thirsty losers trying to get some.
This makes them think:
“why is he being so aloof and dismissive?
That’s how I treat my orbiters!”…
*cue qualification from her*
You can’t opt out of the game of power / value (unless you kill yourself).
Call it what you want…
It’s the reality of life.
Go ahead and numb all your senses.
Retreat into your fantasy la-la fucking land.
Your life will be a lot easier if you come to terms with this unforgiving environment.
Become Greater So Others React To You
Every single interaction is an exchange of power / value.
- One person will react less
- One person gives less of a shit
- One person will have higher value
You don’t always need to be the dominant person in every interaction as long as you recognize the dynamic.
There’s a time and place for everything.
This is a world of appearances.
Overt grabs for power are rarely appropriate.
When you provide a lot of value, the world becomes yours.
P.S. Enjoy this post? Read “ON! For Him“.
It contains my best game essays, organized for your convenience.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
I have found this to be true in my personal life. When I first began to apply game principals to my behavior, I not only began to get more attention from girls, I began to get respect from other guys.
Pingback: Improve Your Personal Value With This Simple Mindset Shift - Mister Infinite
bruhhh where are you located, aint NOBODY use Andre Nickatina lyrics đ
Filmoe born ain’t no apology.
man i dont have no competition ho, all i got is enemiessss đš
im from sf, used to read ur shit heavy like 2014. getting back into it man i dig your writing
Bless up.