So You Want The Keys To A Good Friendship

So You Want The Keys To A Good Friendship

“Perfect friendship is for those who are alike in virtue.”


What are the keys to a good friendship?

It’s important to be independent and self-reliant.

At the same time, healthy relationships are essential to overall well-being.

Resources / energies flow through social connections.

The people who you spend the most time with are a direct reflection of the value you offer.

Do they inspire you to build yourself up in the most encouraging way possible?

Healthy Relationships Are Mutually Beneficial
In Terms Of Value

Not all value is immediately tangible.

  • Some people offer positive energy
  • Some people are goons you can call to handle problems
  • While others offer unique insight.

Regardless what a person offers, you must return some benefits of your own.

Ultimately, everyone EARNS their friends.

Men Of Value Demand Reciprocity In Their Relationships

A person who never gives back doesn’t deserve to be present within high value social markets.

They might throw him the ball a few times…

But if he doesn’t have the skill to hang, he will get cut from the team.

Not only is he fumbling opportunities generously given to him, he’s also wasting the time and energy of everyone else.

Why would you ever spend time with someone who does nothing but drain you?

The same principle applies to sexual relationships.

Your own life must come first before any woman.

There’s a crucial difference between WANTING to spend time with someone and NEEDING to spend time with someone.

If you’d like to fuck good looking women but don’t have a winning attitude, you’ll end up spending your nights with Pamela Hand-erson.

All Begging And Chasing Does Is Betray Low Value

It amazes me how losers throw away their most precious resources:

  • Time
  • Money
  • Energy

into non / barely receptive people.

Talk about a bad strategy.

A man with self-respect would never let himself get to that point.

Basking in high value while contributing none of your own will eventually have people recognize you as a parasite.

Such personalities may make initial gains, but their sleazy nature will ultimately set them back.

You can’t expect to find a mentor if no one has anything to gain from your association.

Are your long-term incentives aligned?

Most Value Exchanges Between Relationships Occur Below The Surface

Resources are amassed within social circles.

Sometimes all it takes is a simple introduction for you to come into contact with hidden pools of wealth.

Such opportunities are all around you.

Your ability to attract these people depends on your own personal value and how you structure your lifestyle.

As your journey progresses, you may find it impossible to relate to loser friends of your past.

Honing social intuition and your understanding of human nature will have you assess your relationships far more critically.

Dead weight latched onto your hull will eagerly gobble up your resources.

These variables could be channeled in a far more efficient manner.

Only hang around people you’d like to co-create realities with.

With every relationship / friendship, you give a part of yourself in exchange for a part of them.

Developing Higher Value Will Raise The Value Of Your Time, Making Everyone Want A Slice

However, there’s only so much to go around.

You don’t buy out the whole aisle when you go to the store do you?

Of course not.

(I’d hope that) you invest in the better options.

The Only Person Responsible For The Relationships In Your Life Is Yourself

Does a lack of self-worth stop you from demanding more?

If you have loser “friends” you probably identify with their lifestyles to a degree.

Why do you think that is?

Always Remember, Like Attracts Like

People undergo much pain chasing perceived “higher value” people because they want to identify with them as a mirror.

Incompatible relationships never last because time reveals all.

Winners quickly get annoyed by losers who pester them with their jumpiness.

Those who chase higher-value people would be far better off investing in their own value.

That’s what makes mutually beneficial connections with important contacts much more realizable.

Want access to more powerful social insights?

Read “Twitter Meditations“.

It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!



My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

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