The Hidden Superpower You Didn’t Know You Had: How Positive Illusions Can Rewire Your Reality

The Hidden Superpower You Didn’t Know You Had: How Positive Illusions Can Rewire Your Reality

If you believe success is based on luck, you’re not as likely to try as hard as if you believe success comes from hard work.

Did you know, perception is ultimately a hallucination?

Everyone tries to navigate this world as best they can given what they know.

However, nobody has all the facts.

Since You Can Never Be 100% Sure About Anything, You Might As Well Choose Positive Illusions

Your “concept of value” (set of beliefs) is constantly updating itself.

A belief doesn’t have to be true for it to benefit you (think “fake it til you make it”).

Would you rather spend time waiting for absolute certainty or take action despite risk?

Life itself is uncertain.

Over-analyzing your next move wastes precious time and leads to stagnation.

What Is A “Positive Illusion?”

A “positive illusion” is a belief that benefits you regardless if it’s true or not.

Perception creates reality.

All your beliefs MUST serve you.

3 Examples Of Positive Illusions

1. You Create Your Own Luck

If you wait around to get “lucky”, you’ll be waiting forever.

Instead, you want to increase your chances.

This is what “luck” really is.

2. You Aren’t A Victim

The notorious “victim’s mentality” is a great example of a “wrong” illusion to choose.

Building an identity around victimhood throws your personal power in the trash.

Whether or not you actually ARE a victim, it’s more conducive to your well-being to internalize higher-value illusions.

An example of a “positive illusion” is an optimistic outlook on life.

Even a cynic (realist) benefits from this outlook because it minimizes stress and turns adversity into strength.

3. Success Isn’t A Zero Sum Game

Believing your success deprives others destroys your mind and emotional health.

You’ll never find success with such an attitude.

The Goal Is To Raise Your Personal Value
As Efficiently As Possible

When I was younger, I felt as if I needed “a bit more information” before I could act.

This was largely an excuse to avoid making myself vulnerable to failure.

It’s more effective to make snap judgements with pattern recognition and then refine your understanding as you work.

You don’t have to know it all to be successful.

Keep building your knowledge base but don’t let its incomplete nature paralyze you.

It matters more that your beliefs are empowering than if they are true.

Want access to more powerful insights?

Read “Twitter Meditations“.

It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!



My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

5 thoughts on “The Hidden Superpower You Didn’t Know You Had: How Positive Illusions Can Rewire Your Reality”

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