“The human psyche is by nature religious.”
-Carl Jung
Why are archetypes important and how do they affect you?
We live in a world of character archetypes.
The collective mind has its given set of characters and roles loosely identified by clusters of traits.
People categorize one another into neat little boxes so as to make better sense of this dynamic and changing experience.
Even though humans are more complex than such archetypes allow, we generalize as a means to save mental energy.
This model affects everything from how you view yourself to how others view you, which in turn determines your trajectory / destiny.
How You Categorize Yourself
Within your mind is an image / archetype of who you believe yourself to be.
This image sets “limitations” of capability, influencing your actions.
The feedback from your actions embeds frames of reference into your mind.
Over time, this back-and-forth between the internal and external gives rise to an overall sense of self.
Some live congruently with their self-images, some expand their egos as a means to compensate, and others are blind to their own brilliance.
This is why it’s so crucial to engage with the external/social world in a wide variety of ways.
It makes you aware of your true strengths and capabilities.
You can’t expect to find success without leveraging your most potent assets.
However, to find these assets you have to consistently test your comfort zone.
When you step beyond your “limits”, your sense of self gets thrown out of whack.
It makes you question your identity and whether or not a course of action is truly YOU.
You may even feel a bit of shame for shedding aspects of your old self.
However, there’s a big difference between experiencing a reality shift and integrating it.
Even if you embody high-value, you may still have older frames of reference holding you back from embracing your potential.
All mental changes (no matter how nuclear) take a while to trickle down into the physical world.
With time, the truth about your potential reveals itself.
The resiliency of your identity / strength of your mind is a direct function of your consistent willingness to invest in yourself via risk.
Archetypes serve as models of behavior.
You might as well align yourself with the higher-value ones.
How Other People Categorize You
There’s a reason why first impressions count.
We tend to size one another up within a matter of seconds and then pick and choose evidence to strengthen the constructed image.
It takes a lot of effort to change someone’s established mental archetype of you than it is to make a fresh impression with a new person.
The mental image a person holds of you remains stagnant when you leave their life.
If your paths meet again, they expect you to be the same.
(Even if you experienced massive growth).
Some people project an archetype onto you because it serves their own emotional needs.
- Girlfriends trying to mold you into their ideal man.
- Self-centered moms painting their sons as golden boy simps.
- Associates forcing you into a certain mental role within their lives.
These assigned archetypes may persist despite being out of touch with who you really are.
When dealing with emotional vampires it’s important to understand it’s never about you…
It’s about THEM.
Those unaware of their personal power let these projections affect their sense of self.
Instead of disregarding such childish attempts at framing, they step into the constructed boxes and stay there.
A person with a weak will is a tool for others to use for their own emotional needs.
It can be extremely tough to overcome such faulty perceptions if you live in a small reality tunnel.
This is why it’s so crucial to experience a variety of environments and social scenes.
It allows you to find the niche that’s been waiting for you since the dawn of time.
Many won’t appreciate the value you offer, and will judge you according to their own sense of culture.
For those unable to step outside of the ego, immediate perception is all that matters.
In addition, the level of consciousness normalized within someone’s reality also has massive influence over how you’re perceived.
Social reality is relative to context.
- People try to box you in to stabilize their realities.
- You’re perceived differently based on social context.
- Mental images affect your actions, sense of self, and trajectory.
- We categorize both ourselves and others to save mental energy.
- Engaging with the external world makes you aware of your true abilities.
- Archetypes serve as models of behavior, so its best to mimic the higher-value ones.
Want access to more powerful insights?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
great blog keep it up! I want to see more. you offer a much more positive and high value aspect of the manosphere. I still read return of kings regularly, but I will say that that site and others leave one feeling negative. you offer positive guidance to self improvement. Keep it up!
Thanks. Although I don’t identify with any online movement.
haha I feel you and don’t blame you.
Very interesting article! The quality of all your blog entries is amazing! Keep it up!
The concept of first impressions is fascinating. I was dwelling on this topic a while ago and I learned that they are so important because we use them to judge the trustworthiness and the social status of the other person. This highly influences the decision if you want to spend time with this person or if you prefer to stay away.
Since we cannot know everything, our mental schemas/maps are formed with incomplete knowledge. Some get a bit too cocky about their assumptions and jump to ridiculous conclusions without taking the time to fill in the blanks.
However, keeping an open mind about a person’s character doesn’t make you obligated to invite them into your life. “Judging” others is the same as “screening”… It simply means to be selective about the people you want to surround yourself with.
Archetypes are just a rough means to help navigate your world.
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