my own paradise

I Created My Own Paradise and You Can Too (Here’s How)

Your life is its own bubble. You let people into this bubble, some decide to stay, and sometimes you have to send them away. No matter what happens, the bubble is always yours and it is stable.


How Was I Able To Create My Own Paradise?

Living life as an observer grants you a limited amount of attention.

This is due to the limits of your perception.

While you can use your mind to picture greater abstractions, all you’ll ever truly experience is your own personal bubble.

This bubble ultimately exists as its own thing, even though it has the power to form bridges with other bubbles on similar wavelengths.

Each man lives to a certain extent in a different world, in which he can directly meet those only who are like himself, and can only attempt to speak to the rest and make himself understood by them from a distance.

People on different wavelengths can’t interact for long.

Everything always re-adjusts to find temporary balance.

A Stronger Will
Converts Into A Stronger Reality

Back when I had a weaker quality of will, I would get sucked into stronger realities because I didn’t have enough faith in my own.

I looked to the external world for direction while completely disregarding my personal power.

My desire for approval was at such a high level that it never even crossed my mind to build a stronger reality of my own.

I was living in other frames and was constantly tossed about by their petty whims.

Since I didn’t value my own:

  • Time
  • Effort
  • Or energy

I would freely dispense these goodies in the hopes that someone would validate me.

The validation of course, never came.

I was merely a blank vessel…

A utility to be used by those looking for an easy access value-tap.

As the years went by I continually pushed my comfort zone, gradually becoming aware of my own personal power.

What I Realized Was Mind-Blowing

I looked within and saw that I hardly had a foundation at all.

While others had built internal kingdoms and empires, I was still stuck in the stone age.

All low-value thought patterns had to go, starting yesterday.

My bubble started to look very different as I embraced a solid routine aligned with developing a better mindset.

My rhythm was re-aligning itself with higher-value.

Loser friends distanced themselves while winners frequently started to cross my path.

If you currently find yourself in my old position, it’s time for you to start building your own foundation.

  • This is YOUR life.
  • This is YOUR bubble of reality.
  • This is YOUR realized potential.

The Only Way To Create Your Own Paradise
Is To Invest In Your Quality Of Will / Value

The first step is to become aware of your personal agency.

The second step is to act on it.

When you think in terms of value, you act in terms of value.

The inner resonates with the outer.

Consuming a diet of high-value influences:

  • Books
  • Experiences
  • Etc

nudges you to take higher-value actions.

At the same time, if you act in a high-value way

  • Work out often
  • Push your comfort zone
  • Etc

you’ll feel more inclined to consume higher-value influences.

Your bubble of reality is a feedback loop.

What You Focus On Expands

As soon as you start thinking about something, it expands within your reality.

The thoughts you hold within your mind color your environment, revealing new options.

By practicing gratitude, you can train yourself to see abundance in even the most adverse of circumstances.

Since thoughts are the seeds of reality, it’s important to become familiar with the abundant mindset no matter what your immediate surroundings are.

With time, this mode of thinking gradually becomes your default.

Don’t beat yourself up over relapsing because unfamiliar thoughts tend to be fleeting.

Paradise Is A State Of Mind

Your mind is a garden that requires constant maintenance.


  • Meditation
  • Reading
  • And work-outs

It’s crucial to clear out all low-value thought patterns so higher-value seeds can grow.

Many of these thoughts are subconscious, and are most strongly felt on the emotional level.

Personal growth is intuitive, not rational.

You can logically understand why something needs to change, but until you address the root causes everything remains the same.

This relates to your mental image of yourself and what it believes you’re capable of.

This image is not the same thing as your ego, since the ego tends to be a face-saving entity utilized to navigate the social environment.

(It’s why losers often act grandiose).

Your Self-Image Is Imprinted
On Your Subconscious By Your Actions

Consistent high-value actions make a winning self-image real.

Never forget the mind-body dichotomy.

Your mind IS your body.

Your body IS your mind.

Many people stay attached to their mental images their whole lives because they never step outside of what they’ve grown accustomed to.

Regardless where you find yourself, you can start living in paradise today.

With time, it becomes more real.

P.S. Want to learn more?

Read “Twitter Meditations“.

It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!

My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

3 thoughts on “I Created My Own Paradise and You Can Too (Here’s How)”

  1. Pingback: Are You Aware of the Cost of Ambition? - Mister Infinite

  2. Pingback: Your Untapped Energy is Waiting For You - Mister Infinite

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