Asking Intelligent Questions: A Reliable Way To Save Time And Money

Asking Intelligent Questions: A Reliable Way To Save Time And Money

“The best answers rarely come from an ordinary process. A new answer usually requires new behavior.”

-Gary Keller

Believe it or not, the kinds of questions you ask yourself strongly impact your reality.

You’re probably wondering, “How can I ask intelligent questions?

We’ll get there in just a second.

First, I’d like to tell you about the extraordinary power questions have.

Asking Intelligent Questions Helps Direct Your Focus

“Even the greatest minds can be so distracted by the search for answers that they fail to ask the right questions.”

-Gary Kasparov

We live our lives as a series of questions and answers.

This back-and-forth rhythm is the pattern of your reality.

By asking a question, you attract an answer in direct line with your wording.

(This is how life balances itself).

Your questions determine your direction by shining their light on your potential options.

The only way to live a higher quality life is to ask higher quality questions.

Asking higher quality questions results in a higher quality approach.

Questions And Principles Frame Your Mindset

The questions you ask define your personal narrative.

If your narrative changes, so do your questions. If your questions change, so must your narrative.

If your narrative is a “victim’s story“, chances are you’re subconsciously attracted to scarcity.

Such a mindset will focus on all the wrong things.

What’s the point of clipping coupons when you can make more money?

Questions focused on abundance help you move forward by providing actionable solutions. Focusing on scarcity reinforces a state of lack.

Viewing A Question In A Different Light Can Give You A Drastically Different Answer

“How we phrase the questions we ask ourselves determines the answers that eventually become our life.”

-Gary Keller

Framing is important.

Since your reality is defined by your rhythm, your questions lock you into a feedback loop (or “groove” if you will).

This feedback loop tunes your mind to notice certain frequencies.

The more you view the world in such a way, the more prominent these “themes” become.

Instead of focusing on your problems, its better to focus on the possible solutions.

Illuminating the abundance within your inquiry will guide you towards a better answer.

Since your mind can only focus on one thing at a time, it’s time you stop wasting energy on reinforcing your problems.

Getting rid of bad habits and thoughts isn’t a matter of weeding them out – It’s a matter of replacing them.

Emphasize The Heavier Blocks

A phenomenal book to check out is “The One Thing” by Gary Keller.

The basic idea is to ask yourself, “What’s the ONE thing I should accomplish right now to move me towards my goals?”.

Think about the 80/20 principle.

What 20% of your actions make 80% of the impact?

When you focus on increasing the efficiency of your systems, you give your heavier blocks their proper attention.

By making your questions big and specific, you give your mind greater room to fill in the gaps.

Once you’ve designed your detailed end point, you can flesh out the process to get there.

This allows you to create better processes.


  1. Don’t “cure” ineffective thoughts – Replace them.
  2. Framing your questions in different ways gives you different answers.
  3. Questions direct your focus. They’re linked to your personal narrative.
  4. Asking big and specific questions helps maximize the efficiency of your systems.
  5. It’s best to focus on the most abundant aspects of your life. (Especially if you ask according questions).

Want access to more powerful social insights?

Read “Twitter Meditations“.

It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!


My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

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