“Can You Really Control Your Thoughts?”

“Can You Really Control Your Thoughts?”

 This seems to be a very controversial topic.

Recently I tweeted:

Cue all the crybabies entering my mentions saying things like:

“Not as obvious as it sounds.”

“As if we’re in control of everything that happens to us.”

“Lol please tell me how you have control of your thoughts? Don’t think of a pink elephant. Too late you already did.”

All of these responses completely miss the point.

Humanity is split into 2 groups.

Those with an EXTERNAL locus of control and those with an INTERNAL locus of control.

What’s the difference?

  1. External locus = life happens to me. I’m a plastic bag flying in the wind.
  2. Internal locus = I create my own life regardless of ups and downs.

Now, which group do you think is more successful?

I’ll give you a hint.

There is not one single successful person in the history of the world who believes:

“Life happens to me”.

As you know, you can’t control every thought or image, but you can control their patterns.


This itself is a habit. It’s your baseline of being.

Sure you might have disturbing and intrusive thoughts from time to time, but what are your overall patterns?

Thought patterns themselves compound over time, crystallizing into actions.

Environments and actions also stimulate thought.

You can weigh the deck in your favor by reinforcing your desired mindset with your surroundings.

The famous artist Francis Bacon preferred to work in chaos because it “stimulated the best images”.

You don’t have to make things harder than they have to be.

The internal locus of control won’t allow you to win every time, but it will greatly increase your chances.

And that’s what we’re all about…

Increasing our chances with a slight edge.

(Which is all you really need).

If you’re 0.1% better than your “competition”, who’s going to win?

That’s right, you are.

If you live life with an external locus of control, you’re already dead.

The world has made you it’s bitch.

You’ve accepted guaranteed failure.

Mike Tyson said,

“Some people get knocked out before they even enter the ring.”

This is exactly what an external locus of control does to you.

It throws your self belief in the trash.

An internal locus of control creates opportunity “where there isn’t any”.

It isn’t about having the best cards…

It’s what you do with them.

Your habitual mindset changes your perception. (And options).

Don’t shoot yourself in the dick because some losers on twitter told you that personal agency “doesn’t exist”.


Ever since I made the mindset shift I’ve been:

  • Attracting hotter women
  • Attracting better friends / business partners
  • Getting into the best shape of my life
  • And have even attained my freedom

And you can do the same.

Want to learn more?

Read “Twitter Meditations“.

It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!


My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

1 thought on ““Can You Really Control Your Thoughts?””

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