Is this the Scarface mansion?
No. It belongs to supermarket billionaire Ron Burkle.
How Did He Acquire His Fortune?
He started by working at a grocery store and investing his savings into apartment buildings.
Then he started buying and flipping undervalued grocery stores.
After this success, he founded a private equity firm.
Since then, he became primary shareholder at the grocery chain “Ralph’s” and sold other investments to Whole Foods, Safeway, etc.
His real estate portfolio includes:
- Michael Jackson’s Neverland mansion
- The Ennis House by Frank Lloyd Wright
- and many others.
The house pictured above is roughly worth $22 million.
And no, he didn’t buy it with a 9-5 salary.
His mansion was acquired with a system of OWNERSHIP.
The MF is basically playing real life Monopoly with very large chips.
People see houses like his when they go to the beach and talk about “living there one day”, but how many look up the owners and find out how they got there?
Now what % take action on a similar path?
There’s zero competition for people who really want it.
Normies dream about “success” as some far off abstract thing…
They talk about their “dream” while walking a path / lane where it’s literally impossible to achieve it, and never once stop and question what they’re doing.
- Write it down
- Define it (get clarity)
- Reverse engineer it
- Touch / taste / experience it
- Make it real
and thank me later.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.