What’s good it’s M.I.
Just walking through some rich neighborhoods. Checking out the mansions.
This is the kind of energy I like to keep around myself.
Thinking big. Thinking in terms of abundance.
And today I want to talk about friendships.
A lot of people surround themselves with people they think are their friends, but they’re not.
Is it because you want to appear to be popular?
Thing is, most of them just want your energy. Especially if your energy is very high and vibrant.
They hate you for having the good energy while wanting it at the same time.
I don’t even see people anymore, I just see frequencies and energy.
Is this person high vibes? Is this person low vibes?
If your vibes are high, you have no business kicking it with low vibe people.
They want to shade your light because that’s all they know. They want to turn you into them.
And if you don’t give yourself permission to shine, then you’re gonna dim your light with all the shade they throw.
That’s why they call it “throwing shade”.
You won’t truly shine until you get away from people who constantly shade you.
What reason do they have to be around you?
Why do you keep them around?
Are you insecure?
Do you need validation that badly even if it’s ruining your life?
If you kick it around people who shine, they don’t shade you. But the only reason they would ever let you around them is if you don’t shade them because they don’t want to dim their shine.
But for that to happen you got to give yourself permission to shine in the first place.
Everything depends on that choice.
Do you give yourself validation to shine?
And when you do, everything external will rearrange itself to reflect that.
People who shade you can only shade you if you let them.
It’s ultimately still your fault for letting them get around you.
If you really love yourself, you kick them to the curb.
You ignore them. You don’t give them any energy at all.
That’s what the love frequency is.
Not tolerance… but self-respect.
Every single one of my friends:
- is able to create their own action
- emotionally independent
- fulfilled with their path
- and on their purpose
And there’s zero shade thrown from them ever. Because they’re fulfilled with themselves. They don’t need anyone.
The only reason we kick it is because we make each other better than we already are.
We’re good on our own, but it’s better to kick it with others who are on the same path, or at least a similar path. And if your friendships aren’t like that, you should ask yourself why.
Why do you let people around you who shade you?
What do you have to benefit from that?
How does that impact your life at all in a positive way? It doesn’t, even if they’re friendly on the surface.
All those little sneak jabs come out. Sneak dissin.
They hate to see a playa shine.
But the only one who can stop your shine is you.
So get away from em.
Want to learn more?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.