Self-development is all about cleansing yourself.
It’s a process of success by subtraction.
You start as a block of marble and chip away until you become a masterpiece.
As you know, most things in life are a waste.
When you cut all the shit out, you watch yourself “magically” become successful.
What Can You Remove?
- Excuses
- Illusions
- Triggers
- Fragility
- Obstacles
- Bad Habits
- Bottlenecks
- Useless info
- Dependency
- Wasted Time
- Weak logistics
- Bad Influences
- Shitty “friends”
- Pointless battles
- Fake productivity
- The non-essential
- Wrong Assumptions
- Excess cognitive load
- What you’ve outgrown
- Friction (via preparation)
- Buying things with no value / utility
- Environments where it’s impossible to win
- Emotional investments in the wrong things
You must repeal and replace weesh things on a daily basis.
Once you replace and repeal everything whack, life gets stupid easy.
Everything is case by case.
Sometimes REPLACE.
Sometimes REPEAL.
Most times REPLACE and REPEAL.
What To Replace Them With?
1. Quality Info
2. Strong Logistics
3. Real Productivity
4. Hanging With People Who Have Aligned Incentives
5. Spend on Assets
6. Put Yourself On A Path With Asymmetric Rewards
What situations are impossible to win?
Ones where you have a ceiling.
This requires you to understand “expected value“.
What is expected value (EV+)?
It’s how you manage risk.
An EV+ move is an iteration that is expected to add value on a long enough timeline.
You don’t know the immediate outcome, but you do know it will give you outsized rewards.
Want to learn more?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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