3 Reasons Why You’re Not Making Enough Money

We all have the same 24 hours in a day, right?

Yet somehow, certain people are able to make 10000000000000x more than others in the same time-frame.

Want to know how?

It doesn’t come down to hustle.

(Your daily energy can only accomplish so much).

So What Is The Answer Then?

The real “secret” is scale.

A.k.a. leverage + ownership over a valuable cash flowing asset.

Here are 3 ways to scale your income:

  1. Increase the average order value (increase price + upsells)
  2. Increase the total number of customers (increase lead gen)
  3. Increase the average number of purchases per customer (increase LTV)

These 3 strategies give you more returns for less energy.

When the successful businessman Ben Settle first got started, he took on a few copywriting clients at budget prices.

After a few weeks, his mentor told him to double his rates.

Ben couldn’t believe it.

He knew his copy was good, yet he couldn’t wrap his head around anyone wanting to pay that much for his services.

He practiced his close in the mirror until he got comfortable with it, then notified his clients of the change.

Guess What?

They. didn’t. flinch.

Turns out he should have charged them even more.

Which is exactly what happened the next month.

His mentor told him to raise the rates again and he did it.

The Response?

They. didn’t. flinch.

This strategy alone took him from zero to $100,000+ in a YEAR.

How would this affect your bottom line?

I also have a similar story about the power of pricing which traces back to the beginning of my copywriting career.

The first book I ever wrote was a travel guide about some unique experiences.

When it was released, it was priced at $2.99.

(And only sold a few copies).

However, as my resume (and sense of abundance) grew, I thought “f*ck it” and raised the price to $28.

Turns out, I sold more copies after the price increase because it expressed a higher perceived value

(And it continues to serve as a solid stream of income to this day.)

This Was A Major Eye-Opening Experience.

Much like Ben was getting paid more money for the same work, so was I.

The value of the work didn’t change… only the reward did.

You see, a simple tweak of business understanding can make all the difference in your results.

You could already be doing high-value work without getting the appropriate rewards.

Want to learn how a serial-entrepreneur gets things done?

Yours for greater success,

My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

1 thought on “3 Reasons Why You’re Not Making Enough Money”

  1. Pingback: How To Become A Multi-Millionaire In Your 20's - Business Lessons From Arnold Schwarzenegger - Mister Infinite

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