I have created a special video for you.
It has 200+ positive success affirmations for greater:
- health
- wealth
- success
- abundance
- confidence
and MORE.
The sound has been processed in 432 HZ which is a special frequency that promotes greater harmony.
I also recorded this audio in one of the wealthiest cities of the world to further instill it with the success / abundance vibration.
For optimal results, be sure to repeat these affirmations daily.
Once when waking up.
And once right when you go to bed.
That’s when your subconscious is most sensitive and receptive to suggestion.
(You can also let it play on repeat while sleeping).
I also made the transcript available as a guidebook.
Click the button below to get the full transcript guide:
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.