What are the top traits of successful business owners?
Can inborn traits make it more likely for someone to succeed in business?
The answer is YES.
You see, human personality has 5 basic dimensions.
(Which are called “the big 5”):
- Openness
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
Where you find yourself on this spectrum has a pretty big impact on your outcome in life.
Where do successful business owners fit in?
1. High Discipline / Grit
Grit is your stress tolerance.
It doesn’t appear on “the big 5” test because it’s a mix of several traits.
Why is it important for biz?
If you fold at the first setback / plateau or sign of pressure, your chances of making it are ZERO.
Top performers are excellent at:
- Managing their emotions
- Keeping a level head
- And making decisions under pressure.
The good news is you can develop this quality by training your mindset.
2. Play The Long Game
Biz is a game of delaying gratification.
Successful biz owners play the long game.
They can go a long time without seeing any results at all.
People who chase fast money fall off even faster.
3. High Conscientiousness
What is conscientiousness?
It’s: “the quality of wishing to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly.”
It means you’re:
- Organized
- Responsible
- Hard-working
- Goal-directed
- And follow your operating procedures (principles).
4. High Creativity / Openness
Openness means you’re open to experience.
People who are high this trait are more willing to embrace:
- New adventures
- Fresh ideas
- And novel experiences.
They approach new things with curiosity and tend to seek out novelty.
5. Low Neuroticism / Agreeableness
Neuroticism is the tendency to experience negative affects.
Low neuroticism makes you more resistant to:
- Anger
- Anxiety
- Self‐consciousness
- Irritability
- Emotional instability
- And depression.
Low agreeableness is the tendency to:
- Be highly competitive
- Not care what people think
- Be more objective and logical
- Say NO to things that don’t serve the mission
Extremely low levels of agreeableness is so important to becoming successful.
You need to be comfortable with telling people “NO”, otherwise you’ll get sidetracked and suckered by every single dog that barks.
There you have it.
Do you see how these traits blend together to make the perfect recipe for business success?
If you don’t have these traits, you’re probably better off being a wagie.
Want to learn more about applying them?
Click the button below.
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