cold approach mistakes

7 Cold Approach Mistakes People Make

Making successful cold approaches is one of the most important skills anyone can have.

Without it, you are severely limiting your:

and more.

The problem is, social skills are lower than they’ve ever been.

A lot of people would like to be able to start more enjoyable conversations, but they don’t know how.

Even if they try, they make cringe mistakes that come off as creepy.

Here are 7 cold approach mistakes to avoid:

1. Approaching From Behind

This is just basic situational awareness.

People are naturally on guard when someone they don’t know approaches them.

Now, Imagine some stranger comes up to you from behind.

Even if the stranger’s intent is positive, the interaction has already started off on a bad foot.

When starting a new conversation, you want to make sure the other person sees you first.

2. Opening With Looks Compliment

This is what 99% of guys do.

(And comes across as supplicating).

“Omg wow you’re so beautiful”.

She’s heard it all before and views you as a fan.

(Beneath her).

A better opener is to make self-amused comments about what’s going on around you.

You’re coming in neutral instead of looking for approval.

After all, compliments are more genuine when people have to work for them.

3. Asking A Million Personal Questions

How would you feel if a stranger came up to you and instantly started asking:

  • Where are you from?
  • How long you here for?
  • Where are you going?

It would feel like an interrogation right?

Why the fuck is this person so interested in me when I haven’t even done anything? He must be a creepy loser with no options.

That’s because personal questions show investment.

You want to see if there’s a vibe first BEFORE asking these kinds of questions.

(It’s about the order in which you do things).

4. Trying To Swoop While They’re At Work

There’s nothing more cringe than a dude running some cheesy pick-up routine while a girl is at work.

She has nowhere to escape to and is forced to put up with it because she doesn’t want to be fired.

The only exception is if she’s showing obvious signs of interest.

5. Walking With Them When They Want To Eject

There’s a difference between keeping a convo going and persisting when it’s dead.

Approaches are supposed to be light and casual.

If there’s no vibe, just let it go.

How can you tell she wants to leave?

  • Closed body language
  • Feet pointed away from you
  • Giving dismissive answers

If there is a vibe, get IG/number and leave on a high note.

6. Rolling Out Strictly To Approach

Your intent changes your sub-communications.

Instead of thinking “I have to get x amount of numbers right now”, it’s better to just be a social guy.

Get used to spreading good vibes to people you pass throughout your day (without caring about the outcome) to build your vibe momentum.

By the time you run into an attractive woman, you’re already coming from a position of abundance.

When the vibe is good, it makes sense to ask for the IG/# because you’re both having a good time and want to have another interaction.

(Not because you’re thirsty for it).

And that… makes all the difference.

7. Fake Expectations

Here’s what a lot of people get wrong:

  • No one owes you respect
  • No one owes you attention
  • No one owes you conversation
  • No one owes you a positive response

Some people aren’t in the mood to talk.

Some people don’t like your archetype.


However, you can boost your # of pleasant interactions by being someone others are happy to talk to.

The problem is, a lot of MF’s have been brainwashed by watching too many Disney movies + Rom Coms.

They go into every convo with a sense of needy entitlement and fake expectation about how life works.

This sets them up for mass pain and frustration.


Now you know how to avoid the 7 cold approach mistakes most people make.

By reading this article, you’ve already set yourself apart.

Is cold approach dead?

Only if you suck at it.

P.S. Enjoy this post? Read “ON! For Him“.

It contains my best game essays, organized for your convenience.

on mockup

P.S. If you’re

  • In shape
  • Good energy
  • Dipped in sauce
  • With social proof

You’re never really “cold approaching”.

My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.