How can you be respected immediately?
A lot of people don’t experience what respect really is.
They think just because they’re “tolerated” they’re respected.
Not the case.
Real respect is when you get VIP treatment everywhere you go.
- People praise you while walking down the street.
- People are over-joyed to be around you.
- You get stuff “on the house” all the time.
So if you’re wondering whether or not you’re respected… you aren’t.
How do you earn it?
- Respect Yourself
- Be In Shape
- Have Style
- Have Good Hygiene
- Never Kick It With Lames / Hogs
- Have Good Body Language / Tonality
Let’s break em down.
1. Respect Yourself
This is #1 because everything else flows out of it.
People respect those who respect themselves.
When you respect yourself, your word means something.
You keep your promises to yourself and do what you say you will.
2. Be In Shape
This is self-respect made external.
If you respect yourself, you treat your body with respect.
A good physique can’t be bought.
It can only be earned.
This tells the world a million things about you before you even open your mouth.
3. Have Style
Style shows that you move with:
- Intent
- Precision
- And command.
It takes zero effort to leave the house looking sloppy.
When your fit is well put together, it shows you have higher standards for yourself.
(And others treat you accordingly).
This doesn’t mean you should wear a tuxedo everyday, but at least learn the basics.
Style is one of the fastest ways to upgrade because you can literally go and buy a new wardrobe right this second.
Despite this being the “low hanging fruit”, a lot of people ignore it.
(Which makes it even easier to stand out and get ahead).
4. Have Good Hygiene
No one wants to be around someone who is unkempt and smells like shit.
Pretty self-explanatory.
It’s draining just to tolerate them (which means they are leeching value).
5. Never Kick It With Lames / Hogs
Birds of a feather flock together.
You are judged by the company you keep.
Your value drops so low for even associating with certain people.
If you hang with a bunch of dorks and losers, no one will take you seriously.
This keeps a lot of doors closed to you that would otherwise be open.
6. Have Good Body Language / Tonality
Have you seen someone who seems relatively normal, but then they open their mouth and all you hear is soy dripping out?
It immediately changes your opinion of them.
Body language = mindset and movement patterns we’re accustomed to.
(This also includes your handshake and eye contact).
There’s a reason why criminals prey on people with weak body language.
They want easy targets (people who don’t respect themselves).
These 6 things will instantly change the way people respect you.
This will not only open more doors in your:
- Career
- Sex life
- And social life…
it will also protect you from serious harm.
P.S. To learn more, read “ON! For Him“.
It tells you more about how to become your best self.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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