6 Essential Steps To Include In Your Wellness Routine

Wellness is an interconnected system.

Everyone knows working out is important.

But this is only part of the equation.

Your lifestyle is a “pump” that requires on-loading and off-loading of various forms of tension.

If you neglect aspects of this, the “pump” doesn’t work correctly.

Here are 6 essential steps to include in your wellness routine.

(So your “pump” functions just the way it’s supposed to).

1. Sauna

Your skin is the largest organ in your body.

It stores tons of accumulated toxins and junk.

When you use a sauna, you sweat all of it out.

This improves your circulation and energy flows.

2. Ocean Swims

The ocean contains tons of essential minerals you can’t get anywhere else.

It also grounds you magnetically.

(Increases gut biodiversity+ ions from grounding).

3. Stretching / Massages

We often store tons of tension without even realizing it.

This can increase risk of injury even when engaging in high-value habits such as working out.

You want to de-load this stress to make your overall lifestyle smoother.

4. Drink Mineral Water

Let’s face the facts.

Regular water isn’t the best to be drinking.

It contains:

  • Microplastics
  • Fluoride (calcifies your brain)
  • Hormones from birth control pills
  • And other toxins from pipes (lead etc)

At MINIMUM, you want to be using something like a Brita filter.

If you want to step your game up, look into reverse osmosis filters.

The top choice, of course, is cases of mineral water (in glass).

5. Supplement With Real Oils

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Everyone knows their car needs an oil change.

But when was the last time you did an oil change for your trillion dollar+ body?

No wonder you aren’t operating at 100%…

One of the most essential oils to consume is Omega 3 fish oil.

6. Listen To Healing Tones / Vibrations

We are energetic beings.

And the frequency we operate on has a huge impact on our outcome.

It’s important to cleanse ourselves with healing vibrations to optimize our energetic structure.

Sound like woo-woo bullshit?

Check this out.

When you play sound from a speaker against sand, physical patterns form.

This is what is known as “cymatics”.

(The physical shape of sound).

Dr. Masaru Emoto also proved something similar in his book “The Hidden Messages In Water“.

In his experiment, he exposed water in glasses to various words, pictures, or music, then froze it and examined the ice crystals’ aesthetic properties with microscopic photography.

Water exposed to positive speech and thoughts created visually “pleasing” ice crystals, and negative intentions created deformed ice structures.

Energy is the “blueprint for our reality” and emotional “vibrations” can change its physical structure.


There you have it.

6 essential steps to include in your wellness routine.

When you follow these steps, you will see your quality of life exponentially improve.

Try it yourself.

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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

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