Are Your Life Trade-Offs Killing Your Potential?

Are Your Life Trade-Offs Killing Your Potential?

“You have to reject having some things you want in order to get other things you want more.”

-Ray Dalio

Are You Making The Right Trade-Offs To Realize Your Vision?

It isn’t easy to hold your frame if you aren’t used to it.

Following a leader places most of the social pressure upon him.

Losers sacrifice the power of their realities to avoid conflict.

Building a self-sufficient reality will have people test you more frequently because you pose as a greater threat.

All Realities Have Their Trade-Offs

“When you close the door on something you DON’T want to do, you open another on something you DO want to do.”

-Andy McNab

Always consider the opposite (hidden) cost to stay sharp.

Not everyone is cut out to accept their personal power.

Most people don’t have what it takes to maintain a dominant frame against imposing forces.

Weaklings rely on stronger men to carve paths for them, following in their wake.

Conversely, winners exchange risk for freedom.

It takes balls to handle the glaring spotlight.

A strong frame is absolutely vital in order to deal with the constant jabs and criticisms.

Winners aren’t even bothered by that stuff because they know their own value.

Shit tests / chump tests don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell against a stronger frame.

When you become absolutely certain of who you are (valuable), you can literally create your own reality from scratch.

The stronger the mind, the more it commands reality.

The weaker the mind, the more it obeys.

Who Is Anyone Else To Tell You How To Live?

I’ve learned to disregard the vast majority of opinions, regardless of how passionate they may be.

Losers are too full of self-doubt, thus requiring others to tell them what to do / how to act.

People with a weak sense of will gravitate towards those with a stronger one.

What side of the fence would you rather be on?

Losers live within a world of relative comfort, while G’s expose themselves to greater risk.

It’s in fact this willingness to fail that gives you the potential for greater rewards.

Comfort Is Stagnation

It’s impossible to live an average life when you realize “comfort” is always subject to change.

If you’re too reliant on others, what will you do when they aren’t around?

What if your job becomes obsolete and you don’t have other assets?

“Comfort” is an illusion.

There’s always a chance something can go wrong.

Self-Sufficiency Is The Only Way

A great way to become more self-sufficient is to travel solo.

Such an experience is extremely helpful with regards to understanding a dominant mindset.

When your mental barriers get destroyed, they’re gone forever.

There’s simply no way you’ll ever be able to go back.

Being able to handle social / environmental pressure is far more rewarding than living life as an insecure pussy.

When you assume agency of your own personal power, you set yourself free.

P.S. Want to stop trading time for money?

My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

8 thoughts on “Are Your Life Trade-Offs Killing Your Potential?”

  1. This is relevant for me. I let others tell me that going to law school was a good idea because I was too scared of facing the real world with a humanities degree. Still plugging away, even though I hate it. “It’ll be worth it in the end,” they all say. Maybe.

    The $60k worth of student loan debt makes it slightly more challenging to drop out, but it’s on my mind. Time to create my own reality.

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