Many people define themselves by their negative thoughts.
Everyone has the internal means to see past this illusion, yet many are unwilling to let go of it.
This is because it often serves an emotional need.
(Such as being addicted to a certain narrative).
People identify with the victim’s mindset because it allows them to feel entitled.
A victim “deserves” retribution because they’ve has been “wronged” in some way.
This mindset creates negative feedback loops, keeping its “victim” attached to misery.
Focusing On Lack Makes It Easy For
Anyone To Play The Victim Card
When you shine all of your attention on the negative aspects of life, a correlating amount of misery will expand within your reality.
Such thoughts cause unnecessary stress and significantly sabotage the function of your mind.
Even if there appears to be no hope on the horizon, you should be grateful for what you have because there are plenty of people who have even less.
Everything comes down to perspective.
Different People Possess Different Amounts Of Resources
(Both tangible and non-tangible).
You never know what a person had to go through to get his supposed “prizes”.
The simplest joys in life are available to anyone with the right mindset.
- Good food
- Good company
- Good sex, etc.
An inability to enjoy the current moment will leave you empty forever.
A glass half empty mindset causes you to lose sight of all the wealth you actually have.
The “empty” part of the glass is part of existence.
However, you should never emphasize it to the extent of forgetting everything else.
What If You Found Out That All Your “Suffering” Was Entirely Mentally Imposed?
How would you live your life differently?
The more internally validated I’ve become, the less I care about praise or criticism.
I direct my efforts wherever I feel and leave the reception of my work up to the universe.
My life’s task is to refine the value I offer through the medium most conducive to my overall well being.
Removing the false limits from my mind by detaching myself from misery set me free as a vessel open to infinite intelligence (my true self).
Everything you will ever need has always been with you.
Negative thought patterns are the foes that keep you blind to your own resources.
Want help being your best self?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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