If you aren’t self-sufficient, you can’t call yourself a man.
Although we’re social creatures, we must face the world by ourselves.
It’s important to cooperate with others to achieve your goals, but your vision must first be found within.
From the day you emerge, kicking and screaming, out of the primordial waters, you must recognize there’s only one person who’ll ever know the ins and outs of your inner universe…
That person is YOU.
No One Belongs To You, And You Don’t
Belong To Anyone Else
Charge it to the game.
This is why I get such a kick out of the “lonely old man” myth.
Everyone lives a life of “born alone die alone” regardless if they have a wife / GF / fuck buddy or not.
Intimacy Is Fleeting
Enjoy it while the moment lasts.
You shouldn’t need anyone to make you feel fulfilled as a person.
Do you really love your GF or do you love the package she represents?
Does her image fulfill a perceived deficit of yours?
You shouldn’t expect any of that nonsense to be the missing piece to your puzzle.
Everything you need is already within.
Do whatever makes YOU happy, not what people tell you to do.
Live For Your Own Fulfillment
The only way you’ll ever attain your full potential is by realizing how alone you actually are.
While this may sound depressing, it’s simply a matter of perspective.
Find strength in your solitude.
Social interactions are moments of connection.
Keep in mind they don’t last forever.
You have a gift deep inside of you.
There’s an entire universe waiting to be expressed.
You simply ARE.
That feeling of oneness is eternal.
You wouldn’t have your strengths without your weaknesses.
Appreciate the people who have influenced you and aided in your journey.
People will come and go throughout your life, but in the end there’s only one person who knows your whole story.
At the end of your life, you’ll be the only person headed towards that shining light.
Want access to more powerful insights?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
Wow. That was insightful. Since I started self-improvement (and have achieved impressive results I only dreamt of before) I’ve noticed many friends and family reacting negatively or enviously – almost none of them supportively. Playing video games and watching TV, lots of support… Lifting weights, working freelance – almost none. But far more respect.
The only person I can truly rely on is myself. This article helped me understand where true strength has to come from. Thanks for that.
People who are feel they are chronically lonely often think that finding true love will solve all their problems but it never does. Firstly because outside of Hollywood and romantic novels, there is no such thing as true love. Secondly there has been/is a media agenda against people who choose a solitary lifestyle (probably because they need men to wife up women for society). As you pointed out, it is perfectly natural to feel comfortable in yourself.
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