Why Running Your Life Like a Business Is the Ultimate Cheat Code for Wealth & Power

Why Running Your Life Like a Business Is the Ultimate Cheat Code for Wealth & Power

Everything is a business expense.

Economics is life.

Certain things come with the price of doing great business.

Treating your life as a business expense means to view everything as an investment.

By the time you finish reading this article, you’ll have an increased understanding of “smart money”.

Here’s how you can make the mindset shift.

Every Investment Of Resources
Affects The Value Of Your Personal Company

An abundance mindset maintains higher standards.

Losers carelessly leak value.

Winners make bang-for-buck investments where they matter.

Rich people are extremely value conscious.

If a deal isn’t up to a certain number or threshold, they won’t even consider it.

No matter what kind of person you are, adopting such a mindset will benefit everything you do.

And there’s more.

When You Invest In Your Personal Value,
Things Tend To Go Your Way

Establishing high-value momentum will have you exude the “halo-effect” (likability), raising your social influence.

It’s necessary to keep a clean and confident appearance no matter your circumstances / lifestyle.

When the music manager Jerry Heller first met Eazy-E (former drug dealer turned rapper), he was immediately struck by his pristine swag.

Do you think he would have signed Eazy or taken him seriously if he carried himself like a bum?


To achieve anything big in life, you have to maintain a baseline of respectability.

  1. Spending money on the gym is a “business expense”
  2. Making high-value connections is a “business expense”
  3. Spending money on healthy food is a “business expense”
  4. Spending money in venues reflective of abundance is a “business expense”

If you don’t invest in these things, you’ll eventually pay in one way or another:

  • Scarcity mindset
  • Peace of mind
  • Less options
  • Bad health
  • Etc

Everything bounces back and forth within your reality.

You Can’t Expect To Elevate Yourself If You Constrict Your Cash / Energy Flows

Spending your resources wisely gives you more in return.

It’s funny how people “don’t have the time or money” to invest where it matters, but will waste their resources on impulse buys.

Your actions show you what you prioritize.

Aim to spend on things that pay for themselves.

If you want to embody higher-value, you have to be efficient with your approach to life.

Slacking on any of your pillars of life is not an option.

Want access to more powerful insights?

Read “Twitter Meditations“.

It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!


My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

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