cod liver oil review

Cod Liver Oil Review: Liquid vs. Softgels

When you’re committed to being your best self, you know how it feels to overload your brain.

You want to get the most out of everything, but your focus is at capacity.

I get it.

We’ve all been there.

That’s why I’ve been taking Nordic Natural liquid cod liver oil.

What Does Cod Liver Oil Do?

Many people try to manage their mental resources by overloading with unnecessary supplements and quick-fix “nootropics”.

If you’re like me, you like to cut the BS and live as naturally as possible.

After all, the body is a machine.

And what do machines need?

That’s right. OIL.

But not just any oil.

You thrive best off natural resources. Forget all that industrial crap.

You don’t put the cheapest gas into a Lambo do you?

So why would you do the same to an even greater asset?

(Your trillion dollar+ body).

Out of the few people who actually use oil in the first place, many use capsules.

However, the design impedes absorption. On top of that, you have to take a handful to even have an effect at all.

Does Cod Liver Oil Work?

Ever since I upgraded to Nordic Naturals liquid cod liver oil, my brain function runs smoother.

So smooth in fact, I take it on myself to share this gift with others.

(My family and friends know me as “the oils guy”.)

Then I found out about a whole bunch of other fantastic benefits.

One of my friends was able to increase his bench press by 33%+ after a month of taking the same oil.

I also noticed the quality of my hair and skin noticeably improve.

(And that’s on top of the daily juicing I already do).

There’s a reason why Mediterranean cultures have some of the longest life expectancies in the world…

They eat tons of fish and consume tons of oil.

How To Use Cod Liver Oil

To use cod liver oil couldn’t be simpler.

All you have to do is take one tablespoon orally in the morning.

Some drizzle it over their salads.

Others swig it straight from the bottle.

Since it comes in so many awesome flavors:

  • Lemon
  • Orange
  • Strawberry, etc

there’s something for everyone.

Save yourself the mental wear and tear of always pushing your limits and watch your processes get smoother with Nordic Natural liquid cod liver oil.

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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

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