In your journey towards reaching your full potential, you’ll develop an acute awareness of social dynamics.
Manginas and losers will stick out like sore thumbs.
Some men will be peaceful and inspiring, others will be back-stabbing and conniving.
However, possessing the ability to recognize attacks on your cred doesn’t mean you should mindlessly react.
A Pecking Order Is Always Established In
Every Single Social Situation
This is done in either in a subtle or not-so-subtle way.
As your presence grows, other dominant men will feel threatened by you.
At that point you’ll have effectively become competition to them.
They’ll then try to lower your value by putting you through “chump tests”.
(Busting your balls).
This is similar to how girls “shit test” you for your value.
All they’re looking for is congruency.
How Do You Deal With Jabs At Your Frame?
A chump test is typically a backhanded sarcastic comment hidden beneath a veil of plausible deniability.
It’s a method to sniff out weakness and insecurity.
Nice hat bro… did you get that from MC Hammer?
Their goal is to get you to qualify yourself to them.
If you feel the need to prove your worth, you’ll fail the chump test.
Self-acceptance destroys petty stabs at your ego.
Chump tests only work when there are 2 egos at play.
There’s no target to hit when you don’t care what people think.
It’s like throwing knives into the wind.
Repeated positive external feedback allows you to fully internalize a healthy sense of self-worth.
Go ahead and laugh at those who question your reality.
When you understand that:
- You’re capable of greatness
- Have fucked attractive women
- And don’t have anything to prove to complete strangers
you can act as freely as you like.
Let your reality be supreme to yourself.
Anyone who doubts you simply doesn’t understand the life you live.
Surprisingly enough, there are guys who can typically withstand chump tests yet crumble when facing female shit tests.
They’re afraid to offend and aren’t willing to ruin their limited sexual options.
If you live in such a reality, the best thing to do is take a risk.
Cut them off from your attention.
Hot / Cold, Hot / Cold.
You should be walking away from women all the time unless their affection is worthwhile enough to keep you around.
If you can’t handle chump / shit tests, then you aren’t fully secure within a high-value reality.
A man who is aware of his value knows exactly what he brings to the table.
When You Truly Don’t Aim To Win Approval, You Tend To Befriend Others By Default
Show respect to those who respect you.
If another guy tries to passive-aggressively get under your skin, simply let your amused mastery shine.
Learn to genuinely give no fucks.
Let “alpha” chumps wear themselves out with their try-hard antics.
Don’t let anyone stop you from getting yours.
Want access to more powerful insights?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
Great Post!
I like the phrase ! “A Man who is aware of his value knows exactly what he brings to the table” Real Talk! It`s only until then that dudes will reach full fledged Mackdom!
I love your blog, and it has real potential to be one of the all time great game blogs, but to reach that level you should a) post more often; b) get involved on Twitter and market it that way. i understand if you don’t give a shit and you’re just doing this as an outlet for your thoughts, but it’d be cool to see you get the recognition you deserve.
Keep up the good work.
Agree with the poster above.
You’ve got great advice. I’ve learnt game is ultimately the journey to becoming a man. Most “men” are in fact boys trapped in adult bodies and are therefore unable to handle the realities of life and the emotions it entails. Good game = high emotional intelligence = fulfilling existence.
Keep up the good work, I’ll be back for as long as you keep posting.
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