Everyone knows about the benefits of drinking water.
But are you aware of the dangers of fluoride damage?
Many don’t know the full extent of the everyday destruction they’re secretly doing to themselves.
This post will explain how fluoride affects your body and what you can do to avoid it.
So read on.
Now, Prevent Future Problems And Gain Greater
Mental Clarity
We’ve all heard about the importance of avoiding junk food.
Today, clean eating is more popular than ever.
Winners want to do their best to live healthy and abundant lifestyles.
I’ll let you in on a little secret, many who regard themselves as “healthy” are unknowingly consuming junk water.
You and I both know that health affects performance.
If you’re a high achiever you’d like access to every edge you can get.
We all have the same amount of time on earth, but only healthy and high-energy people fulfill their ambitions.
The plain truth is fluoridated water puts an enormous dent in your long-term progress.
Fluoridated water silently sabotages your:
- Focus
- Energy
- And performance.
You could be:
- Eating clean
- Working out
- And hustling hard
yet still feel sluggish or mentally foggy.
Because every sip of contaminated water is undermining your efforts, leaving you stuck in a cycle of frustration and wasted potential.
Lucky for you, all you have to do to avoid this damage is to stop drinking fluoride.
But there’s more.
How would you like to:
- Remember your dreams?
- Have deeper meditations?
- Experience lucid dreaming?
- Or even attain a higher consciousness?
When you remove fluoride from your water your mental clarity will rise to new heights.
It’s mind-blowing what a massive difference such a small change can make.
You’ll be amazed at how much more in-touch with the world you’ll be.
Imagine feeling more energized, sharper, and more connected – every single day.
Removing fluoride from your water doesn’t just protect your health – it:
- Unlocks peak mental clarity
- Improves physical vitality
- And supports the high-performance lifestyle you’re striving for.
Let me explain.
The “Healthy” Habit That Can Ruin Your Life
Authorities have proved that fluoride’s toxicity is between lead and arsenic.
It accumulates over time since your body can’t get rid of it.
What seems harmless now will become a big problem in the future.
The real danger of gradual change is that it’s an invisible killer.
(Fluoride is even considered hazardous waste by the EPA)
While Fluoride doesn’t build up within your brain, it does accumulate in your bones.
Anything outside the blood-brain barrier is vulnerable to being calcified.
Among the most defenseless is the pineal gland.
It’s a small pine-shaped organ in the center of your brain.
The pineal gland’s function is to regulate your sleep cycle and protects your body against cell damage from free radicals.
When consumed, fluoride accumulates much higher in the pineal gland than anywhere else in the body.
It disrupts the pineal gland by hardening its interior walls. Calcification ruins its enzyme function.
But there’s other examples.
Fluoride contributes to:
- Dementia
- Disrupted Immune System
- Hyperactivity and/or lethargy
- Brain damage (impacting learning and behavior)
It also increases the chance of liver cancer, thyroid lesions/diseases, and bone defects.
If you’re like me, you’d like to stay fit well into old age.
How will you be able to do that when fluoride plants the seeds for future problems?
Bottled Water Is A Waste
Bottled water is a fluoride-free option, but it doesn’t make economic or environmental sense.
A case of 12 liter bottles costs $40, and an average adult drinks 2 liters of water a day.
That’s $40 every 6 days. $200 every month. $2400 per year.
Imagine what you could do with an extra $2400.
- 5 year gym membership
- All-inclusive trip to another country or continent
- 6 years of book investments + Online Business Course
All because you made a smart choice – starting with clean water.
And that’s just the cost saved from one year.
Now, look at the lifetime value saved in 70+ years (More than $168,000 thrown out the window).
In addition to the economic waste, think of the environmental damage 720 liter bottles per year makes (50,400+ in your lifetime).
Go ahead and check the math yourself.
Today, Avoid The Dangers Of Fluoride
Luckily for you, all you have to do to avoid fluoride is to stop consuming it.
The most effective way to keep processed junk out of your water is to filter it.
(The APEC ROES-50 works wonders)
Whole-house filters run from $1,131-$2,068.
However, you can get a quality filter for less than $200.
Compared to $168,000+ wasted on water bottles and additional tens of thousands spent on future healthcare costs, I’d say that’s a steal, wouldn’t you?
(Don’t forget the environmental damage of 50,400+ water bottles).
At the end of the day, the difference between winners and losers is one of long time perspective.
Don’t end up spending stupid money later when you could invest smart money now.
But it gets even better.
The system is easy to install.
“The best part?
Once installed, the system works on autopilot.
You’ll enjoy pure, fluoride-free water without lifting a finger.
- No refills
- No expensive bottled water
- No guesswork.
It’s convenience and peace of mind in one smart solution.
There’s nothing more practical than that.
Bonus Tip: How To Increase The Spiritual Effects
You may have heard about the pineal gland being referred to as the “third eye”.
This is because it has rods and cones like your other eyes.
It also serves as your body’s spiritual center.
By removing fluoride from your water, you increase feelings of interconnection and make your intuition more sensitive.
To heighten these sensations, be sure to get some sun every day.
(You can also supplement with vitamin D).
In addition, eat a lean & clean diet, and consume lots of citrus fruits.
What’s more is you’re likely using fluoridated toothpaste.
To remove all traces from your intake, switch it out with a natural one.
If I can stop consuming fluoride, so can you – and you can do it immediately.
You do your best to avoid junk food, but do you avoid junk water?
There’s no reason to put your health at risk now that you’re aware of the dangers of fluoride.
The difference between high achievers and everyone else?
The winners take action before problems become disasters.
Don’t wait until fluoride takes its toll on your mind and body.
Make the switch today – and take control of your :
- Health
- Future
- And your freedom.
You’re not just filtering water – you’re upgrading your entire life.
Try it for yourself.
I understand you’re skeptical.
You have a right to be.
I would be, too – if I didn’t already know how much of a difference non-fluoridated water makes.
After all, the most important thing in the world isn’t money.
It’s health.
P.S. There are more affordable solutions than bottled water, but no price compares to the value of your health. Every sip of fluoride-free water is an investment in your focus, energy, and longevity. Start today – your future self will thank you.
-Refer to study: “The effect of fluoride on the pineal gland” by Dr. Jennifer Luke
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