strong vs weak body language

DEFINED: Weak vs Strong Body Language

What does weak vs strong body language look like?

(And how does it impact your life?)

We will answer these questions and more in this comprehensive article.


Experts agree, 70-93% of all communication is non-verbal.

This means that how you carry yourself speaks louder than anything you could possibly say.

If you aren’t AWARE of what your body language is telling the world, you won’t be making the right impression.

This could be costing you:

But how does it break down?

Body language is simply an outer expression of your internal state.

(How you FEEL about your place in the world).

Your body language also influences your mindset.

This is because your body is your mind and your mind is your body.

How you feel changes how you express your body.

How you express your body changes how you feel.

The Main Difference Between Weak vs Strong Body Language Comes Down To Hierarchy / Frame.

Are you a master of life or do you get dominated by life?

This is the ultimate frame of reference that everything else spills out of.

Masters of life:

  • Are comfortable dealing with challenges
  • Are high energy
  • Are unfazed

Losers of life:

  • Are low energy
  • Are constantly on edge
  • Are ill-equipped to handle challenges

2 completely different states of existence.

Let’s explore how these internal perceptions express themselves externally.

Weak Body Language Defined:

Weak body language is low status.

It’s how prey animals carry themselves.

This manifests itself as:

  1. Yawning
  2. Fidgeting
  3. Slouching
  4. Dragging feet
  5. Makes self smaller
  6. Stiff / jerky movements
  7. Soyface (mouth wide open)
  8. Touching face / mouth / back of neck

Let’s break them down.

1. Yawning

Yawning is low energy.

It means the person is tired, bored, uninspired, or under stress / anxiety.

(And it’s EXTREMELY contagious).

None of these traits are good.

If you’re around a chronic yawner, you will find the energy of the room getting sucked out VERY quickly.

2. Fidgeting

Fidgeting = release of nervous energy.

This is a way for the body to self-regulate attention.

And it happens because the person feels uneasy / threatened, bored, or unfocused.

3. Slouching

Slouching is submissive and a defeated way of carrying yourself.

4. Dragging Feet

Dragging feet = low energy and low intention.

A person who drags his feet is so uncertain about his actions, he can’t even walk properly.

Sloppy intentions = sloppy gait.

5. Makes Self Smaller

Weak body language takes up as little space as possible.

The person feels so guilty and ashamed for existing that he doesn’t dare impose on anyone in any way.

6. Stiff / Jerky Movements

Stiff / jerky movements are an outer manifestation of inner tension.

The person feels so wound up, he can’t even move freely.

7. Soyface

Soyface is an expression among primates.

It is not only found in humans, but monkeys as well.

It is a show of submissiveness, low status, and helplessness.

i.e. “Please don’t hurt me!”

This is a face of quiet desperation, despair, and destitution.

8. Touching Face / Mouth / Back Of Neck

This is done to release anxiety and tension.

You often see people doing this when they’re telling a lie.

(Because they’re uncomfortable / nervous).

None of which is a good look.

Strong Body Language Defined:

Strong body language is high status.

It’s how champions carry themselves.

This manifests itself as:

  1. Fluid / relaxed movements
  2. Energy is controlled (no leaks)
  3. Takes up more space
  4. Strong posture
  5. Gliding stride

Let’s break them down

1. Fluid / Relaxed Movements

Strong body language is at ease with the world.

It doesn’t feel nervous or threatened.

Since its consciousness is well-oiled, so is its expression.

2. Energy Is Controlled (No Leaks)

High status body language has mastery over itself.

There are no excess / unnecessary movements (energy leaks).

Everything follows:

  • intent
  • precision
  • and command

3. Takes Up More Space

Strong body language has high self esteem.

It has no problem expanding and making sure it’s comfortable.

4. Strong Posture

Strong body language has a strong backbone.

It stands for something real.

It has no problem asserting itself and making itself known.

5. Gliding Stride

Check out Snoop’s walk in this video

It’s like he’s walking on air.


Body language is the primary language we all speak.

It is an expression of our inner state + how we feel about our place in the world.

When you change how you feel, you change your body language.

When you change your body language, you change how you feel.

And doors open + close accordingly.

P.S. Enjoy this post? Read “ON! For Him“.

It contains my best game essays, organized for your convenience.

on mockup

My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.