You were lied to.
You have a right to be angry.
The world is not what you were conditioned to believe it is.
Anger Can Aid With Growth, But It Must
Ultimately Be Overcome
Let’s say a girl is shit testing the fuck out of you.
Do you get mad when a child throws a tantrum in a grocery store?
The situations are one and the same.
When you acknowledge things for what they are, the world becomes easier to navigate.
How To Deal With Anger?
Learn to LET GO.
Will this incident be on your mind:
- 1 year from now?
- 5 years?
- 10 years?
If not, then it doesn’t fucking matter.
In fact, the vast majority of trivial day-to-day bullshit doesn’t matter.
Do people fill their lives with meaningless drama just to distract themselves from their impending demise?
Do they do it for excitement?
Life can be so much more liberating when you let go of unnecessary anger.
Some things are beyond your control.
Acknowledge What Happened, And Move On
We try to fit the world into our own vision of it.
Sometimes reality doesn’t line up with our expectations.
*Cue cognitive dissonance*
Conflict of heart and mind.
We know our projections are wrong but can’t admit they’re illusions.
This is especially true about certain memes that are endorsed by society at large.
Conventional wisdom is seen as truthful.
We want the world to be a certain way and get emotionally attached to the fantasy.
This is where a lot of pain comes from.
When you reach the point where it’s okay to accept ugly truths you’ll know peace.
Suddenly women don’t disappoint you anymore because you understand them.
The pedestalization is gone.
No woman will ever live up to your Disney-ish ideal.
Anger is only the beginning of an awakening. If you’re still angry you aren’t ready yet.
Stages of Grief:
1. Denial
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
The road to actualization is blocked by your own mind.
Throw off the shackles of self-imposed limitations so you can move forward.
Discard unnecessary baggage.
Petty bullshit doesn’t register.
Like a boulder on the shore, waves crash all around yet you remain unmoved.
Want access to more powerful insights?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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