What do energy and attraction have to do with each other?
I’ve been trying to reconcile the law of attraction regarding game for a while now, and within the past few months it all started making sense to me.
It was hard to conciliate the archetype of the supreme cocky alpha “douchebag” with the positivity advocated from the abundance mindset.
I thought to myself that there must be some type of way to frame both of these concepts into one coherent model.
As conventional game has evolved past cheesy gimmicks into the genuine expression of primal intensity, it’s important for you to recognize what kind of vibe you project.
No Matter What Your Ego May Say About You,
Your Results Never Lie
Narcissist losers such as Elliot Rogers (the UCSB spree shooter) view themselves in a grandiose way yet project needy and awkward social energies.
Your ego (way of relating to the world) has to be congruent with your will for you to live abundantly.
Cucks pride themselves on being self-sacrificing chivalrous gentlemen (read: doormat), but their true energies are desperate and pedestalizing.
They lack the energy to attract hotter girls, so they settle for those willing to put up with their sackless existences.
It doesn’t matter how a loser rationalizes his low value…
It always shines through regardless how big his ego expands to compensate.
Lower Value Orbits Higher Value
(Whether Male Or Female)
- Cucks attract domineering bitches because their polarities are reversed.
- Self-assured men with a high quality / value of inner-will (solid game) attract beautiful and feminine women.
Unchangeable law of nature: Feminine energy submits to masculine energy.
The more manly traits a woman possesses, the more dominant a man must be for her to get aroused (submit to his frame).
Ironically for her, the most high-value men (who have their pick of the litter) choose more feminine women.
This is why losers end up with one another…
Their unattractive mindsets attract similar people.
A man with options wouldn’t waste a single second of his time on a woman who disrespects his leadership, and a beautiful woman wouldn’t risk getting impregnated by a spineless pussy.
What all of this comes down to is your will (life force).
This will realizes itself as certain tendencies / actions described as a personality or frame.
The principles of game work to iron out the kinks of your frame to minimize personal frustration and maximize fulfillment.
Tight game is about shedding mental limits / insecurities to become a more attractive YOU, allowing you to mesh with the type of women complimenting your best self.
There’s Nothing Fake About This Process
What is fake however, is when you attempt to force yourself into a version of “alpha” out of touch with your true self.
(Trying to be a bro king when you’re really a bohemian artist).
This comes off as try-hard and attracts the wrong kinds of people by the boatload.
There is a bit of “fake it til you make it” when you work to improve yourself, but this isn’t a problem in the long run if the change is genuine.
There’s a difference between sampling new things and squeezing into a shoe that doesn’t fit.
Ironically, a phony approach to life will end up diverting your trajectory away from the path that would have ultimately given you the most fulfillment.
Again, you only have yourself to blame.
What supersedes “game” is the genuine energy you share with the world.
This is how everything trickles down from a position of strength.
Once you realize your own inner-value, you can project it in a way that fits your true self.
After all, the number of styles within the game are as limitless as the universe itself.
When you hold the winning frame that most reflects what you want out of life, you’ll find yourself gravitating towards the:
- Places
- Women
- And social circles
that suit you best.
Always be conscious of how your will relates to the world and how you can refine it.
P.S. Enjoy this post? Read “ON! For Him“.
It contains my best game essays, organized for your convenience.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
Another excellent post.
I’ve recently been exploring the value of authenticity in regards to the human experience. To be truly authentic is to completely own your power as a human being. Being inauthentic (posturing, using “game”, being deceptive, etc.) only serves to diminish your power, and in turn you will only attract inauthentic, weak, low-value individuals into your life.
An authentic frame trumps all.
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In short, dominant, masculine, alpha men won’t desire entitled, overweight, masculine women. They have no place in his world. Brilliance. This is a trumpet sounding from the shining city on a hill.
It really comes down to internalizing abundance and being satisfied with your own frame. People only accept bad energy into their lives when they believe they aren’t capable of doing better.