How can you find the strength to persevere?
Life is a war of attrition.
It isn’t always the most talented person who wins, but the one who is most able to endure.
Most people give up at the first sign of conflict.
There are no real immediate consequences for quitting because the world is too comfortable.
This is why they don’t get what they want.
Flashback to WWII
My grandpa served on boat in the English channel looking for mines.
Along comes a submarine and torpedoes his boat to pieces.
Out of the entire crew, he was the only survivor.
(And there was no rescue ship in sight.)
He spent days on end drifting through the unknown.
- Hallucinating
- Exhausted
- Hungry
Every time he started nodding off, fish would come wake him up by kissing his cheeks.
This is the only thing that kept him going.
Eventually, he was discovered by a fishing ship and rescued.
(After being in the cold water for a few days).
If he did not endure, I would not be here writing this letter to you today.
Contrast This Situation With Today’s World
We have access to the greatest abundance in history and yet people don’t have the willpower to take advantage of it.
This is one of the ultimate ironies in life.
Instead of using the internet as a tool to create income at infinite scale, most would rather use it to order soy takeout in plastic containers.
(Or worse, giving their “valuable” time to outrage content).
If anyone applied a fraction of the endurance my grandpa did, they’d make a killing online.
Are you using all the wonderful tools available in today’s world to claim your freedom?
It would be a real tragedy if you didn’t, especially when so many others do it so easy.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.