What’s good it’s M.I.
Today I want to talk about forgiving your parents.
This is something that holds a lot of people back.
And until you do it, you won’t get the results you want.
It comes from fake expectations.
A lot of people expect their parents to do things that are unrealistic.
Their job is to:
- Feed you
- Give you a place to stay
- And give you some support
That’s it.
They can’t teach you every single thing there is.
Do They Have Everything You Want?
Do they have the exact life you’ve envisioned for yourself?
Most likely not.
They did the best they could with what they knew.
Their generation was raised by the mainstream media.
- They didn’t have the internet.
- They didn’t have this free exchange of information and ideas.
- They didn’t have the access to DM billionaires + multi-millionaire business owners
All with the touch of a button.
And you have access to that.
So, you don’t have an excuse.
The Solution Is To Create Your Own Character
(And to give him a custom education).
Then, seek out those sources and mentors who’ve achieved it themselves.
They’re the ones who can show you how to do it.
This means they’ve put their own balls on the line to learn and feel the pain of failure / risk.
Those are the people who really know what they’re doing.
If You Keep Blaming Your Upbringing / Parents, You Have An External Locus Of Control.
What this means, is that you react to the world.
You don’t believe that you create your own reality.
You’re just waiting for stuff to be handed to you.
One of the main loser traits is that you’re not actively creating your own reality.
The default map many of you have been handed, is either:
- Bad
- Inaccurate
- Extremely incomplete
- Or completely outdated altogether
A Lot Of People Still Think We’re Living In The Boomer World.
(That this is the 1970’s).
And all the opportunities are the same as it was then.
But the world has changed dramatically.
A lot of people don’t even know this economy exists, but it’s very clearly turning into one of the biggest markets in the entire world.
(If it isn’t already).
And if your parents aren’t aware of that, you really can’t expect them to teach you how to navigate these things.
The Best / Most Successful People Are All Autodidacts.
(Which means they’re self-taught).
They all seek out their own information.
They seek out the optimal information.
The information that isn’t taught in the mainstream.
The rare people are the way they are because they have access to rare information.
(Uncommon insight, that no one else really has).
A lot of the times it isn’t even hard, it’s just perspective…
That’s it.
So appreciate your parents for the foundation they gave you.
Even if it was dysfunctional or your parents were a bit absent, you still have the power to shape your world with information they couldn’t give you.
And the responsibility to obtain that information is yours.
A lot of people don’t realize they have this responsibility, because they’re still waiting around for others to give them stuff.
But if you take the initiative to create something new, you’ll be blown away at what you can achieve.
You don’t need to limit yourself to old models that were handed to you.
The choice as always is yours.
So if this video helped you be sure to like comment subscribe and share this muthafucka.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.