How Tai Lopez Turned a Simple iPhone Video Into $100M – The Untold Secrets of Viral Success

Here’s an important lesson.

1 of the most successful VSLs of all time is “Here in my garage” by Tai Lopez.

This video was:

  • Shot on iphone
  • No editing
  • 3:54 long
  • 1 clip

and he made $100+ million from it.

You don’t have to complicate things to make $.

A lot of people think they have to make some “Hollywood production level” content to get paid, but this is not true.

You just have to understand the underlying mechanics.

(Applied human psychology).

Here are a few of the principles Tai uses:

1. Curiosity + Attention:

The thumbnail is him pointing at a lambo and the title is a cliffhanger.

This sets up a narrative and an “open loop” that people want to look into.

2. Unexpected Turn:

“Here in my garage, bought this new Lambo. It’s fun to drive. But you know what I like more? Knowledge.”

The camera turns to his bookcase.

3. Appeal to Authority:

“It’s like the billionaire Warren Buffett says – the more you earn the more you learn”

4. Tells Story:

“I keep this lambo as a reminder because it wasn’t long ago I was sleeping on a couch in a mobile home”

5. The Epiphany:

“I bumped into a mentor and they showed me what they did to become successful”

6. Call to Action + Instant Gratification:

“I put a free video on my website that explains what they taught me. You can implement their advice today no matter where you are.”

7. Disqualifying:

“If you’re a cynic or pessimist, you don’t have to click. Don’t worry about it”

And that’s just a few of them……

Notice how he isn’t hard selling anything (or even a product at all).

He’s simply getting people interested to go to his website where they can learn more.

These kind of principles are what make or break your content….

NOT the sleek exterior.

You can use the craziest effects in the world, but if your content isn’t speaking to people on a primal level, they ultimately won’t care.

When you understand them, you can literally succeed with just an iphone video.

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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.