What’s good it’s M.I.
Today I want to talk to you about how people are magnets.
You see, everyone has their different:
- Mindset
- Emotional state
- How they carry themselves
- What they’re saturated with
and this baseline attracts:
- Situations
- People
- And outcomes
When I was growing up, there was a guy who would constantly be attracting cops.
No matter where he went, cops would show up.
That’s because he was a cop magnet.
- Other people would constantly attract the bad bitches.
- Others would constantly attract money.
- Others would constantly attract good luck.
That’s because they’re all magnets for those types of things.
And the types of magnets you keep around has a pretty big impact on your outcome.
If you yourself are a good magnet, but you keep bad magnets around what do you think is going to happen?
You’re gonna end up in situations that could have been avoided.
Situations that you don’t deserve.
I mean you do deserve it because you chose to keep those magnets around, but you have so much more potential than that.
So look at what you’ve been attracting and how you’ve been carrying yourself and then you might be able to change what kind of magnet you are.
On the other side, some people who aren’t that good of a magnet (but keep good magnets around), they win automatically.
(Just because of what the things they keep around attract to them).
It’s a cheat code.
You see guys who are not very talented, who don’t really have that good of a mindset, they just win by default because of the magnets they have around them.
And that could be you too.
But the best way to attract those kinds of magnets, is to become one yourself, because good magnets usually don’t want bad magnets around them.
So do the work to polish your own self as a magnet, and then you’ll start attracting better magnets.
This is the real work.
This is what life is really about.
Polishing yourself as a magnet.
And then it becomes too easy.
Everything falls in your lap:
- Infinite deal flow
- Infinite bad bitches
- Infinite events
- Private parties
All that stuff.
And if you avoid this, it could even end up ending your life, ruining your life.
Divorce, bankruptcy, all that.
- Pay attention to magnets
- Become a good magnet yourself
- Keep good magnets around
And thank me later.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.