“Money doesn’t make you happy. I now have $50 million, but I was just as happy when I had $48 million.”
-Arnold Schwarzenegger
Governor, movie star, bodybuilder.
We know him as a man of many talents, but by the time Arnie hit the silver screen, he had already been a millionaire for 10 years.
That’s right.
Arnie became a self-made millionaire at age 22 via:
- Direct Response Mail Order
- Construction
- And Real Estate
Here are the top business lessons from Arnold Schwarzenegger.
How Arnie Got Started
His first wins were a series of bodybuilding competitions in Europe.
He saved these winnings and arrived in the US in 1968 at the age of 21 with $27,000 to his name.
One of his first investments was buying a gym in Munich and using his celebrity to advertise it.
While this was going on, his fans kept writing to him, asking for tips on working out.
Then, one day, he realized they would pay for the answers.
This inspired him to use his status to start a mail-order company through which he sold:
And it only cost him $3.75 for a permit to get started.
He Also Started A Brick-Laying Company With Fellow Bodybuilder Franco Columbu.
Arnie wanted to make even more $ while also working out at the same time.
So he started a brick-laying company.
However, despite being a bodybuilding champion for 4 years in a row and offering cheap prices, few people wanted to hire him.
That was until he doubled his prices and started calling himself a “specialty European bricklayer“.
(Niching down to target more specific wealthy clients).
This caused him to be FLOODED with customers.
At This Point He Was Making A Decent Living, But How Did He Enter The Top 1%?
A: Real estate.
He used the profits from this business and bodybuilding to invest in his first real estate venture.
His first investment was a down payment on an apartment complex worth $214,000.
Then, he flipped it for $360,000, earning a cool $146,000 profit.
Instead of blowing it all on partying, he chose to double down by buying another building.
He did this a few more times, increasing his investment with each cycle.
And a few years later, he was a millionaire.
How You Can Apply The Same Principles For Less
The beauty of the current era is that you can reap the same benefits of real estate without the upfront cost.
By using digital real estate instead.
You use the same principles Arnie did, only you apply them to:
- Websites
- Ecom stores
- Info products
- Publishing rights
- Turn Attention Into Money
- Create Offers Out Of FAQs
- Add Complementary Offers To Complete The Experience
- A Unique Selling Proposition Sets You Apart + Allows You To Charge More
- Once You Have A Winning Strategy + System, Re-Invest Profits Back Into It
- Use Your Liquid $ To Buy Cash Flowing Assets
Want to learn more?
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