“No you can’t be born with sauce.
How you gonna be born with seasoning?
You gotta get seasoned.
I had to acquire this sauce.”
-Gucci Mane
What is swag and why is it important?
Swag (noun)
- Bold self-confidence of behavior or style.
- How one presents himself to the world.
- Walking with presence or authority.
- How a person handles situations.
It’s something everyone wants yet so few people have.
Swag is important because it:
- Changes how people interact with you
- What kind of doors / opportunities open
- What kind of girls you’re able to pull
- As well as your overall quality of life / enjoyment.
In this comprehensive article, we will discuss the ingredients of swag as well as how you can develop your own.
Let’s begin.
What Swag Isn’t
To fully understand swag, we must first explore what swag ISN’T.
Swag is IN YOU, not ON YOU.
It’s not WHAT you wear, it’s HOW you wear it.
And this is what a lot of people get wrong.
They think you can just buy an outfit or style your hair and instantly be “the man”.
But this is just a band-aid solution.
You see, a lame with a Gucci belt is still a lame.
Real swag is your demeanor / how you carry yourself.
(AKA your VIBE.)
And this is something that can’t be faked.
But how can you develop it?
How To Develop Your Swag
Think about everyone you know who has insane swag.
What do they have in common?
- Interesting + entertaining conversation
- Outcome independent / non-needy
- Powerful + present personality
- Vibrant + magnetic energy
- Attractive body language
- Unique style
And how did they develop these traits?
A: by living an interesting / eclectic life. (duh).
You see, you get swag by doing things that give you swag.
This is what seasons people to POP with flavor.
Here’s A Story To Illustrate The Point
“Ayyo my rhymes are more funky than an African cab driver”
-Herb McGruff
Growing up, one of my dad’s friends who had insane levels of swag (probably the most out of anyone I ever met) was a NYC cab driver in college.
(Young M.I. getting laced up with game)
This guy would:
- prank call our house pretending to be some ridiculous characters
- always have the freshest sneakers
- and overall be endless entertainment
But he didn’t get this swag out of nowhere…
He picked it up from all the people he interacted with over the years.
If you really want to get seasoned with flavor, you have to interact with a LOT of people from all walks of life (and get good at it).
The Goal Is To Cram The Most Varied Social Experience Into The Shortest Period Of Time.
Jobs that allow you to do this:
- Comedian / Public speaking
- Cab / Uber driver
- Event catering
- Club promoter
- Bartender
- Musician
- Bouncer
- Valet
- Sales
By getting this experience, you will quickly pick up on how people respond to things.
(As well as build up a tasteful arsenal of flavor you can deploy at any moment).
You see, when you have eccentric social reference points it’s literally impossible NOT to have swag.
But here’s more.
More Examples
Another way to get this kind of experience is to travel off the beaten path and expand your comfort zone by doing things others won’t.
(Bonus points if you do it solo).
A prime example of this is Kurt Caz on Youtube.
He has done everything from:
- Getting caught in a shootout in a Rio Favela
- Explored secluded beaches in Kenya
- Taking a ferry on the Amazon river
- Voodoo rituals in Haiti
- Shrooms in Mexico
(And of course tons of swooping).
If you go through his channel, you will see how Kurt evolves as he gets more and more flavored.
His accumulated swag + social experience + knowledge of human nature allows him to navigate tricky situations where many others would have folded.
(Yes, his swag has literally saved his life many times).
This is because he knows how to walk the lines of tension to take the most appropriate action.
Now, I’m not telling you to copy his exact lifestyle, but if you want to season yourself as a person, you have to live a more interesting life.
(You simply can’t get the same kind of depth staying at the cookie-cutter IG travel spots).
- You can’t be born with sauce, you have to acquire it
- It’s IN YOU, not ON YOU
- Real swag is your demeanor / how you carry yourself.
- Cram the most varied social experience into the shortest period of time.
- Build up your arsenal of flavor you can deploy at appropriate moments.
P.S. Want to learn more about getting better game? Read “ON! For Him“.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.