What’s good, it’s M.I.
Today I want to tell you how to gain access to higher quality conversations.
When you sit where the winners hang, the conversation is different.
Where you sit is what you become.
I understand if you live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and you don’t have the option to visit places like this, but the next best option is to go online.
You see, the online world has its own cities where people congregate.
In my video on luck, I was at a 5 star hotel sitting next to two VC’s discussing:
- Microsoft
- And investing.
You don’t have those kinds of convos in normal places.
Even if you don’t have much to add, it gives you ammo to connect with other people.
You’re building a different kind of capital you can use to get other forms of wealth.
(And all this compounds on itself).
You want your use of time to add value even passively.
If you’re around normie convos all day, you’re going backwards.
You’re missing out on better convos you could be having.
The whole reason why rich people stay rich is because they have access to better info.
That info is traded in places like this.
So if this video helped you be sure to like, comment, follow, share, and subscribe.
And click the link below for more.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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