Kardashian Branding Lessons – A Tale of 2 Sisters

Kardashian Branding Lessons – A Tale of 2 Sisters

Can 2 people from the same family be in the same industry and make a killing?


Just ask Kim and Kylie Kardashian, who both have their own make-up line.

You would think a “saturated” market such as make-up wouldn’t allow for such success right?

Well, the truth is, people buy from personalities.

You see, even though Kim and Kylie are both from the KARDASHIAN® brand, they each have their own brand as well.

  • Some would rather buy from Kim
  • Some would rather buy from Kylie
  • Some want to buy from both
  • And some wish both of them should burn in hell.

Regardless what your preferences are, this principle is important to take note of.

After all, it’s what made Kylie one the world’s youngest billionaires.

Imagine if she never tried due to all the naysayers yapping about “saturation” and such.


Yet, this is exactly what happens to many when they aren’t aware of certain business truths.

They don’t believe it could possibly be that simple.

But you don’t have to let those blocks determine the outcome of your life.

To learn the truth about dissolving those limits (and as a result, gain time + location + financial freedom), now’s the time.

My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

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