Everyone is born with innate strengths and weaknesses.
While some start off with a more potent blend, success in life ultimately depends on the ability to leverage social capital.
What this means is to use your strengths to produce a brand of value unique to you.
This value can then be exchanged to acquire the resources you lack.
(Economics 101).
Why Value Exchanges Are Relative
It all comes down to who wants what.
You make small talk with a group of rich men in a bottle section who lack game (which you possess).
If you send some women their way, it will build rapport and give you access to greater opportunities.
(Some of which will be far greater than you could ever imagine).
Placing emphasis on giving value has you initiate trades by virtue of your character.
When you take the initiative to assume an important role such as a “social connector“, you put yourself directly in the stream of value exchanges.
Every unfolding deal gives you equity as a participant.
And who doesn’t want an abundant powerhouse on their team?
Leveraging Social Value = Playing To Your Strengths
Social capital is oftentimes invisible.
Assets such as:
- Trust
- Character
- Rapport
- And approval
can all be converted into other forms of wealth.
Dwelling on perceived lack keeps you blind to the tremendous opportunities right in front of you.
Something so simple as “applied creativity” is infinitely more valuable than money.
Realizing abundance has everything to do with channeling your perceived wealth into its physical equivalent.
How can you expect to achieve anything worthwhile if you can’t even see the potential within your environment or within yourself?
You’re The Missing Puzzle Piece To Many People’s
Needs And Desires
All you have to do is find these people / groups and demonstrate how your niche fulfills their craving.
Effective salesmanship is about maximizing your own personal purpose.
You can’t be all things to all people…
But you can be everything to some.
Want access to more powerful insights?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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