You’re already Dead.
Pause and let that fully sink in.
Go back and read the first sentence again.
You could die at any moment.
- Athletic 20 year olds have had heart attacks in their sleep with no underlying physical condition.
- You could slip in the shower and break your neck.
- A drunk driver could plow into you at a stoplight.
It’s only a matter of when.
You’ll Make Peace With Death As Soon As You Realize You’re Living On Borrowed Time.
From then on, your whole reality will look quite different.
Every moment becomes a gift… an ADDITION.
There’s no such thing as outcome dependence when tomorrow’s never promised.
Life is actually quite simple.
Trivial bullshit fades into nothingness.
Suddenly, living in the moment has much greater significance.
When you take care of the basic necessities:
- Food
- Sleep
- Shitting
- Sex
you’ve got it made as long as you’re alive.
Satisfaction With The Bare Necessities Makes You Spiritually Rich
When all the bases are covered, you can ask yourself what the next step is.
How can you make your life even better than it already is?
The solution is to create things that offer optimal value to both yourself and to others.
Spread good energy.
This push towards actualization is what distinguishes humans from other animals.
It’s a blessing to have the ability to reach higher states of consciousness.
Just keep moving.
Carry the lessons of the past with you, but only refer to them when necessary.
Avoid dwelling.
What’s done is done.
You have the keys to your own jail cell…
Sometimes it just takes time to find them.
I cover serious topics because reality is my drug.
This website is not going to sugar-coat information to make it easier to swallow.
I’m not complaining about the true nature of reality.
It’s Important To Be Aware Of The Unforgiving Nature Of The Universe So You Can Move In A Positive Direction.
Some people may never see your goals the same way, but who cares?
They’ve never taken a single step in your shoes.
They have no idea what your journey is all about.
As long as you find personal fulfillment with your lifestyle, all will be right.
Want access to more powerful insights?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
Right on the nose.
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