Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth;
and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.-Matthew 7:7-8
Observe the above quote.
How do you interpret it?
The Mirror Of Life Reveals Your State Of Mind
Reality is simply a mirror for our internal worlds.
If you do not like the reflection life is showing you, then change that which is causing it.
The universe is extremely abundant in both positive and negative energies.
Have love for it and you’ll find love in return.
The lifestyle you engage in will yield according results.
Sometimes it may take a while to figure out where you’re headed.
There may be some detours along the way based upon your starting position.
You’ll face the same situation over and over until you learn from it.
Do you experience a lack of respect from both men and women?
Maybe you should stop running the same old tired suck-up game and try something new…
What Are Your Desires And Experiences
Telling You To Become?
- You may meet a person who introduces you to a certain social group
- You may read an insightful book that teaches you about the workings of reality
- You may grow bored with old hobbies and seek to learn a new skill.
Every change of pace will lead you down a separate road with many different sidestreets.
Are you currently in the wrong part of town?
Driving through loser-ville when you truly want to be lounging poolside in paradise?
There are definitely roads to get there, but it may take a while to get to your destination based on your starting point.
I wanted to figure out why I couldn’t get the success I desired.
After much research and many internalized reference experiences, all the information I needed had presented itself to me.
The answers to your problems will never fall into your lap. You have to actively look for them.
Become A Seeker Of Truth, Wisdom, And Valuable Skills.
How do you feel towards the people who have what you want?
Jealously or respect?
Your response to this question says a lot about you as a person.
How can you ever expect to achieve and elevate when you hold resentment towards the very things that you desire?
We’re All Reflections Of Each Other
Sometimes, the reflection staring back at you is far from pretty.
- Do people hate those with talent because they themselves lack it?
- Do people hate high achievers because they remind them of what they don’t have?
Think about why you view certain people in certain ways, and don’t let the ego act as an imaginary barrier to your true sentiments.
We Act As Magnets For The Types Of Energies We Expel
Money flows to people with the money making attitude.
Drama flows to people who seek it out / expect it.
Being patient in a moment of anger will spare you much future pain.
Acknowledging a petty problem gives it validity.
If you’re so above stupid banal bullshit, why does it even fall on your radar?
I see the truth everywhere…
- A flock of lames walking down the street with insecure body language and hands in their pockets
- Overhearing female co-workers gossip about their emotionally unavailable “boyfriends”
- Etc.
It’s all just funny to me at this point.
High-value philosophy was a much needed life-vest thrown to me as I was drowning in the turbulent waters of a confusing reality.
When you understand the true basic underlying principles of the world, everything just becomes a game…
Want access to more powerful insights?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
Good stuff. My favorite Bible verse, too. Patience is also key. Sometimes the hardest thing in the world is to wait.
I would say I feel both respect and slight jealousy when others have what I want. However, I think these are a couple ingredients in maintaining a competitive frame
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