Man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth.
If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed-seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind.
-James Allen
Your mind is your greatest asset.
Without feeding it consistently, it will rot.
When you take great care to invest in your quality of consciousness, you gradually align yourself with abundance.
Repetition of exposure to desired influences can’t be understated because realities are extremely resistant to change.
The vast majority of day-to-day actions you take are really just accumulated habits.
It takes mental effort and willpower to make changes into your routine, but there’s only so much of it available at a given moment.
Change is inevitable – Whether this change is high or low value comes down to the nature of your will and how you choose to plant mental seeds.
Time Reveals The Average Value Of Your Daily Influences
- Diet
- Physical exercise
- Your financial habits / fluency
- The plans / actions you execute
- The ideas you expose yourself to
- The people you surround yourself with
- The books you read / media you consume
If you plant valuable mental seeds on occasion but spend most of your time engaging in loser habits, then you forcefully uproot everything you’ve planted within the garden of your mind.
You must also trim the weeds that spring up due to the entropy of the universe.
It Takes Discipline To Guide Your Seeds To Fruition
You may come across an intriguing:
- Idea
- Entity
- Or influence
that resonates powerfully yet seems a bit confusing to digest at first.
As time goes on, the planted seed will churn about within your subconscious mind, nourishing itself with your approach to life.
Suddenly, you get hit with a mental epiphany at a “random” moment.
These types of instances can be shaped and engineered based upon the manner in which you live your life.
The true nature of your mindset will be revealed in due time.
All you can really do is surround yourself with everything you’d like to embody and distance yourself from everything you’d like to shun.
Even The Smallest Moment Or Realization Can Plant A Powerful Mental Seed Within You
If the imprint was strong enough to leave a significant impression upon your subconscious, you’ll constantly refer back to it.
This type of mental marination aligns you with similar energies, allowing for things on a comparable wavelength to become attracted to your vibration.
The more you nurture the mental seeds most valuable to you, the more your external life will grow to align with those thoughts.
Although it’s easier to understand high-value when you’re tangibly surrounded by it, a finely tuned mindset can see abundance within any circumstance.
You owe it to yourself to plant high-value mental seeds and guide them towards their realization.
- Your mind is a garden of plants
- The seeds you plant in it determine your direction + results
- Seeds nourish themselves with + compound according to your influences
- Small moments / realizations can plant big seeds
- The seeds you nurture with attention become your life
Want more high-value food for thought?
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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