When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate.
-C.G. Jung
Everything unfolding in your life is the physical embodiment of subconscious dramas.
Your current lifestyle exists because it falls within the range of your attention.
If you’re having trouble understanding aspects of yourself or your experience, observe the opposite mirror.
(Inner vs. outer universe).
Every experience you go through symbolizes the evolution of your mindset.
Every mental adjustment brings about a change of the external.
To Deny The Power Of Life Metaphors Is To Deny Your Own Level Of Consciousness
At any given moment, you’re respectively aligned with a certain hivemind (social circle).
Every member of your group represents a different aspect of your current personality.
All of you are tuned into mutual growth experiences because you’re on a similar wavelength.
Stagnant people tend to spend their whole lives in one group, while growth-oriented people break the mold from time to time.
Experiencing A Major Mental Transformation Throws You Out Of Sync With Your Old Hivemind
At some point it becomes damn near impossible to relate to it anymore.
This is neither a good or bad thing, but simply a reflection of changed direction.
There have been some pretty crazy “coincidences” within my own reality regarding life metaphors.
When my mindset shifted, one of my best childhood friends committed suicide.
In our sandbox days we found common ground through values such as self-sacrifice (a.k.a. pussy-ass doormat type behavior).
As the years went by, we drifted apart.
My experiences with girls slowly killed my inner-simp while he only plunged deeper and deeper into vagina worship.
The end of his life coincided with the death of my childish idealism.
It sounds self-centered to say such a thing, but these kinds of events serve as important moments of self-discovery.
- What do the defining moments of your life represent?
- Why did certain chapters lead to a particular climax?
- Why does your path overlap with certain people?
- Why are you currently aligned with your surroundings?
- Why / when did you fall out of / into certain relationships and social groups?
To disregard these experiences is not only naive, but downright foolish and even dangerous.
The unexamined life is hardly a life at all.
Want access to more powerful insights?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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