how to strengthen your mindset

The Brutal Truth About Strengthening Your Mindset: Why Most Never Make It (But You Will)

How can you strengthen your mindset?

Growth comes with existential crisis.

Waves of intense anxiety surface when your ego sheds its layers.

Building an external reference point outside your ego allows you to stay grounded in neutrality.

This helps you observe these sensations for what they are.

The death of old thought patterns.

Prolonged consumption of high-value influences forcefully makes loser outlooks obsolete.

Self-Awareness Finds Itself On A Spectrum


  1. A python shedding its skin
  2. A butterfly emerging from its cocoon
  3. Or a phoenix rising from the ashes

you must free yourself from your old shell when its layers outlive their purpose.

Creating a successful outlook towards life mirrors the construction of a high-value lifestyle.

The inner impresses itself upon the outer, and the outer impresses itself upon the inner.

As your physical and metaphysical influences bounce back and forth between one another like some type of invisible game of tennis, a certain kind of reality tunnel starts to take hold.

Suddenly, the build-up of your daily efforts reveals itself as a distinctive form.

The chaos subsides as you come to terms with your new baseline.

Your mindset is an amalgamation of smaller and seemingly insignificant thought patterns.

Just like every brick that goes into building an archaeological marvel, every thought you entertain holds a compounding power of its own.

A Stronger Mindset Can Only Take Shape When Its Older Building Blocks Have Been Replaced

This can be done by exposing yourself to greater growth oriented discomfort.

New peaks can appear as extremely immediate and jarring.

Progress may seem non-existent for quite some time up until you slam straight into your results going mach 50.

An abrupt transition into a new reality is a lot to handle.

All you can really do is laugh through the punches and rejoice at your frame’s victory.

Want help dealing with the stress of changing your mindset?

Read “Twitter Meditations“.

It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!


My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

5 thoughts on “The Brutal Truth About Strengthening Your Mindset: Why Most Never Make It (But You Will)”

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