Attaining the life of your dreams is simply a skill issue.
If you aren’t there yet, there are some crucial skill(s) you are lacking.
Your problems exist because you don’t have the skill to plug the gap and dissolve them at the moment.
If you did, they would simply disappear.
The ONLY thing standing in between you and your dreams is the right skill stack.
And the ultimate meta skill?
A: knowing WHAT skills to develop.
The good news is, you can identify + build them.
This article will teach you the art of building a skillstack.
When you apply it, you will change your life FOREVER.
The Basics
Your life is created out of your quality of will (competency).
And this competency is multi-dimensional.
Think of every area of life as a “leg” in your table.
If you neglect installing certain “legs” (developing those areas), your table will be unstable.
While you can get away with this in the short-term, eventually the table will fall over entirely.
So where do you start?
Specialize in 1 Powerful Skill
You’ve heard the saying:
“A jack of all trades is a master of none.”
But this is only partly true.
You want to be a master of one main skill, while also developing complementary skills to support it. When skills compound in this way, they make you exponentially more valuable.
What should your main skill be?
A: It should be a big money skill.
If it isn’t, you’re wasting your time.
What is a big money skill?
Something that’s in-demand that solves a high-value problem.
What is a high-value problem?
Something urgent, painful, and scaled.
- Crypto
- E-learning
- Copywriting
- Enterprise / B2B Sales
- Software / SAAS / Coding
Even if everything else goes to shit, this skill will ALWAYS be something you can fall back on.
Now that we’ve gone over building your main skill, let’s look at what other skills can support it.
Develop Soft Skills
Have you ever wondered why some people get ahead / promoted in life even when they aren’t the most technically skilled?
This is because they have other non-technical skills known as “soft skills“.
- Luck
- Self-Talk
- Initiative
- Lifestyle
- Creativity
- Teamwork
- Leadership
- Positioning
- Spending $
- Adaptability
- Negotiation
- Communication
- Wealth Building
- Grit / Endurance
- Problem Solving
- Resourcefulness
- Risk Management
- Time Management
- Stress Management
- Filtering Information
- Delayed Gratification
- Performing Under Pressure
- Charisma / Likeability / Swag
- Critical Thinking (Using Mental Models)
- Perception of Social Dynamics / Incentives
These skills allow you to smoothly navigate the “social fabric” of society.
(The invisible structure we all exist in).
After all, life is primarily a game of PEOPLE.
Develop Transferrable Skills
Transferrable skills are a mix between soft + technical skills.
They are called “transferrable skills” because they continue to hold value even if you change industries.
- Sales
- Design
- Contracts
- Negotiation
- Storytelling
- Copywriting
- Public speaking / speaking on camera
These skills are so powerful, you don’t even have to have to be a top 1% master to reap the benefits.
Even a slight increase boosts you above the masses.
Other Applications
Stacking value also applies to many other things in life.
If you’re crafting an offer for a saturated market, you can stand out by bundling things to make a more complete experience.
The offer itself is not just the product…
It’s the TOTAL value add / transformation.
This is why 2 different companies selling the same exact thing can have wildly different results.
One of the companies has a better stack of other intangibles / bonuses working for them.
If a market is “saturated”, it’s simply a skill issue.
- Specialize in 1 high value skill
- Develop soft skills
- Become proficient at multiple other transferrable skills
- Use all the above to create strong positioning
- If a market is “saturated”, it’s a skill issue
Want to learn more?
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.