The Hidden Truth About Remote Income: Why Location Independence Isn’t Enough—Unlock Total Freedom with This Strategy

In a world that is increasingly connected and digital, the way we work and earn a living has been undergoing significant transformation.

Gone are the days when your income was solely tied to a fixed location or a traditional 9-to-5 schedule.

Today, many people seek the freedom and flexibility to generate income on their own terms, leading to the rise of:

  1. Location-independent income streams
  2. Location AND time-independent income streams.

While these two concepts may seem similar, they offer different levels of autonomy and flexibility.

Understanding the key differences between the two can help you make informed decisions about how to design your lifestyle and future.

Location Independent (Remote) Income: The Basics

Location independent (remote) income, is generated through work that can be done from anywhere in the world.

This type of income is not tied to a specific geographic location, allowing people to work from:

  • Home
  • A coffee shop
  • Or even while traveling.

As long as you have a reliable internet connection, you can perform your job or run your business.

Some common examples of location independent income include:

  • Freelance work: Writers, designers, and developers often work for clients worldwide without needing to be physically present.
  • Remote employment: Many companies now offer full-time or part-time positions that allow employees to work remotely, with some jobs offering the freedom to move between countries or cities.
  • Online services: Businesses that operate online, such as digital marketing agencies, often don’t require a fixed location.

The main advantage of location independent income is, of course, the ability to work from anywhere.

This opens up a world of opportunities for:

  • Travel
  • Lifestyle flexibility
  • And even potential cost savings

by living in lower-cost regions while earning in higher-paying markets.

However, there is one key factor that often limits the full extent of this freedom—time.

The Time Factor: Remote Jobs vs. True Flexibility

While location independent income frees you from the confines of a specific office or city, it does not always liberate you from the constraints of time.

Many location independent jobs still require you to adhere to a set schedule, typically one that aligns with the time zone of your employer or clients.

This means that even though you can work from anywhere, you might still be required to work 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or meet strict deadlines that dictate when you need to be available.

For instance, if you’re a remote employee for a company based in New York but you’re living in Bali, you may still need to clock in for Zoom meetings or complete tasks during New York’s business hours.

While the physical location has become flexible, the time commitment remains fixed.

This can limit your freedom to organize your day as you see fit and may even cause challenges if you are in a drastically different time zone than your employer or clients.

What is Location AND Time Independent Income?

Location AND time independent income is the ultimate form of freedom.

Not only are you free to work from any location in the world, but your income is also not dependent on a fixed schedule.

In this model, you’re not required to trade your time for money in the same way you might with a remote job or freelance gig.

Instead, you have full control over:

  • When
  • Where
  • And how you earn money.

Location AND time independent income typically comes from sources that allow you to generate revenue without being present in real-time.

These income streams involve systems that work for you with minimal ongoing effort.

Some examples include:

  • Digital products: Creating e-books, online courses, or software products that can be sold 24/7.
  • Affiliate marketing: Earning affiliate commissions by promoting other people’s products or services through your blog, social media, or email list.
  • Investments: Income generated through real estate, dividend-paying stocks, or other investment vehicles that earn money with little day-to-day involvement.
  • Automated e-commerce: Running an ecom business or an automated online store that doesn’t require constant management.
  • Royalties: Revenue from creative works like books, music, or photography, where you earn money each time your work is purchased or licensed.

The Freedom of Location and Time Independence

With location AND time independent income, the constraints of both geography and time are removed.

This means you can structure your life around your personal goals, rather than the demands of:

  • Clients
  • Bosses
  • Or time zones.

You have the flexibility to:

  • Work whenever you want: There are no set hours or deadlines you have to meet, allowing you to work at your peak productivity times.
  • Take extended breaks: Because your income is not tied to active hours worked, you can take vacations, spend more time with loved ones, or pursue other hobbies without worrying about losing income.
  • Scale without time limits: In traditional remote jobs or freelance work, there’s often a cap on how much you can earn based on how many hours you can work. With time-independent income streams, you can scale your earnings without being limited by time.

The Challenges of Achieving Time Independence

While location and time independent income offers unparalleled freedom, it also requires upfront work and planning to achieve.

For instance, building a business that runs 24/7, or developing a product that can generate passive income, can involve a steep learning curve and substantial initial effort.

Here are some common challenges people face when pursuing time independent income:

  • High initial investment: Whether it’s time, money, or expertise, building a system that generates income without requiring your constant attention can take months.
  • Risk: Passive income streams, such as investments or businesses, often come with inherent risks. Stock markets can fluctuate, and businesses can fail.
  • Scaling complexity: While scaling a passive income stream may not be as time-consuming as scaling an active job, it still requires careful strategy and attention to ensure that the income grows over time.

Key Differences Between Location Independent vs. Location AND Time Independent Income

  1. Freedom of time: The most significant difference is that location independent income still often requires you to adhere to a schedule or meet deadlines, whereas location AND time independent income allows you to work on your own terms.
  2. Scalability: Location independent income (e.g., remote jobs) tends to be capped by how many hours you can work. With time independent income, there’s more room for scalability because your income isn’t directly tied to your time.
  3. Initial effort: Time independent income streams often require more upfront effort to create, while location independent income can be earned more quickly by taking on remote jobs or freelance gigs.
  4. Risk and reward: Location independent income is typically more stable because it often involves a steady paycheck or consistent client work. In contrast, location and time independent income can fluctuate, but it also offers the potential for much higher long-term rewards.


Both location independent and location AND time independent income streams offer unique advantages, but the choice between them depends on your personal goals and work style.

If you value the security of regular income and are comfortable with some time commitments, a location independent job might be ideal.

On the other hand, if your ultimate goal is complete autonomy and you’re willing to put in the upfront effort, building location and time independent income streams could lead to unparalleled freedom in the long run.

By understanding the differences between these two income models, you can make more informed choices about how to structure your career and lifestyle, aligning your work with the kind of freedom and flexibility you desire.

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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 500+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.