the ultimate list of real life cheat codes

The Ultimate List Of Real Life Cheat Codes

Cheat codes grant players special powers, extra rewards, and shortcuts to victory.

But do they exist in real life?

The answer is yes.

This article will unveil the hidden secrets and strategies that can help you navigate life with greater ease, success, and fulfillment.

From personal productivity hacks to social mastery, money moves to health and wellness boosts, this comprehensive guide will arm you with the tools you need to level up your real-world experience.

Whether you’re aiming to level up your money, forge deeper connections with others, or simply unlock more joy and satisfaction in everyday life, these cheat codes are your ticket to unlocking life’s fullest potential.

Join us as we dive into the secrets behind success, happiness, and prosperity, revealing the tips, tricks, and tactics that can turn obstacles into opportunities and challenges into triumphs. It’s time to rewrite the rules, hack the system, and embark on a journey of limitless possibility. Get ready to discover the ultimate cheat codes for mastering the game of life.

What Exactly Are Cheat Codes?

Cheat codes make life easier.

However, many confuse this with cheating themselves.

Cheat meals, cheating workouts, etc.

What cheat codes really do is give you an unfair advantage in key areas of life.

Here are the most important ones:

  1. Position
  2. Connections
  3. Being in shape
  4. Making $ online
  5. Reading biographies
  6. Playing the long game
  7. Uncommon elite information
  8. Replacing + Repealing everything weesh

Let’s break em down.

1. Position

Everything depends on your position.

If you have talent but aren’t positioned well, it’s the same as having no talent at all.

With the right position, everything flows with ease.

Which brings us to the next point.

2. Connections

Connections are another aspect of position.

Even if you have absolutely zero talent, good connections will make you a success.

They give you:

  • Information flow
  • Opportunity flow
  • Proximity to power

3. Being In Shape

in shape

When you’re in shape, people automatically make positive assumptions about you.

You command instant respect on a primal level.

And how do you think this respect carries over?


  • You have better opportunities
  • Higher chances at getting what you want
  • And more

4. Making $ Online

Most problems in life are solved by making money online.

  • You can earn in your sleep
  • You can create your own schedule
  • You have time + location + financial independence

Nothing similar has been possible in human history until the past decade.

5. Reading Biographies

how to choose what books to read

There is nothing new under the sun.

Centuries of human nature have already been documented.

When you read a biography, you are receiving a lifetime of experience / wisdom compressed into a few pages.

You see how legendary characters:

  • dealt with certain challenges
  • carried themselves
  • and made mistakes (which you can avoid).

That’s how you gain 1,000’s of lifetimes in one.

6. Playing The Long Game

Most people play the short game.

They fight each other over petty shit and end up with scraps.

If you play the long game, you move very different.

You focus on the things that will be valuable 10+ years from now.

7. Uncommon Elite Information

Beliefs determine behavior.

And the only way to change behavior is to get new information.

The reason why so many are struggling is because they never audit their information diet.

They passively consume random info in a rigged game.

To get uncommon results, you have to gain access to what others don’t know.

8. Replacing And Repealing Everything Weesh

You’ve heard the saying:

“Success is a massive subtraction.”

And it’s true.

You get more utility by removing things rather than adding them.

Where most are scrambling to take on more dead weight, those who use this code streamline their form with ease.

This allows you to use your limited time and energy to focus on what really moves the needle.

Want to learn more?

Read “Twitter Meditations“.

It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!


My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.

5 thoughts on “The Ultimate List Of Real Life Cheat Codes”

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