What’s good, it’s MI.
Today we’re going to talk about the top 5 loser traits:
- External locus of control
- No initiative
- No vision
- Leeching
- Self-pity
Are you doomed if you have these traits?
(Unless you change them).
And it’s possible.
Here’s how to do it.
1. External Locus Of Control
What’s the opposite of that?
Internal locus of control.
It’s basically:
- Does life happen to you
- Or do you create your own experience?
Truth is, you always create your own experience.
Only difference is whether you’re conscious of it or not.
If you have an external locus of control, you’re waiting around for stuff to happen to you.
- The story you’re living
- The beliefs you have
They’ve just been handed to you.
And you’ve never once sat down and written out a new narrative.
This ties in with number two.
2. No Initiative
If you have an external locus of control, you believe everything happens to you.
Then you don’t have initiative to penetrate the world.
(To enforce your will on the outside world).
Which means you’ll never get the results you want.
You’re just waiting for stuff to happen to you.
3. No Vision
If you don’t have a vision for yourself then you just randomly end up with what you get.
It’s why people “randomly”:
- Get fat.
- Have loser friends.
- Work some shitty job they don’t care about.
It’s all because they don’t have a real vision.
Vision is completely connected to narrative.
So change one, change the other.
4. Leeching
No one wants to be around someone who constantly takes.
This doesn’t always apply to money either.
- Are you giving good vibes?
- Are you giving ideas?
- Are you giving anything else that makes people want to associate with you?
Or you just show up expecting people to babysit and freeload + raid all the resources everyone else accumulates in their social circles / environments?
If you approach life like this, eventually people will start avoiding your calls.
And you’re guaranteed to never have any higher value people give a fuck about you.
They already have enough to deal with.
They want people around them to make their lives easier.
This doesn’t mean you should kiss their ass, but at least bring something to the table.
Stop being so entitled.
That’s the core of it.
5. Self-Pity
Constantly feeling sorry for yourself.
Telling yourself this story of how you’re a victim.
You break that by focusing on the smallest wins and turning that into a highlight reel.
So if you’re focusing on a reel of wins, and have that be your identity, then it will start expanding and you’ll start winning more.
It doesn’t have to be grandiose.
But just the smallest little victories.
Maybe you:
- Sent one extra email
- Swooped one extra broad
- Did 10 extra push-ups or whatever
Just add little things to your highlight reel and start viewing yourself as a fucking champion.
And then you’ll find the momentum of that makes it easier to keep winning even more.
So if you cure all these, it’s impossible to be a loser.
If you see one or more of these in your own behavior or mindset, it’s not too late to change them.
But if you don’t change them, then you’re gonna be losing forever.
And it’s 100% guaranteed you’re not going to get:
- Freedom
- Bad bitches
- Money made in your sleep
Any of the stuff people really want.
It stays away from you because this is like oil and water.
These beliefs are the polar opposite of what attracts all the good stuff.
So if you want that good stuff then make the switch.
Write a new narrative.
Get these new beliefs switched out.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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