Do you care about being “alpha” or the best version of yourself?
When you start adjusting your mindset, you may feel slighted when people don’t immediately recognize you as a “winner / leader”.
However, all groups have their existing leaders.
You can’t just come in as an outsider and expect to run shit right off the bat.
The reigning leader will treat you with respect as long as you carry yourself properly.
It isn’t necessary to be the top dog in a group as long as the respect is mutual.
If Other Opinions Effect Your Mindset, Chances Are You’re Trying Too Hard
Different groups value different things.
The arena that pushes you to be the best version of yourself may not be valued among certain demographics.
It’s more important for you to stay true to an unwavering frame of self-respect.
Hanging around people who appreciate what you bring to the table will push you much further towards your potential.
You owe it to yourself to maximize your well-being.
This is why it’s important for you to pursue your interests.
Forcing your way into a social circle that doesn’t add fuel to your fire leads to a duller existence.
Even though a man of action stays on the grind, he recognizes that it’s pointless to force a square peg into a round hole.
Insecure people want to be accepted even among crowds that aren’t the best for their long-term development.
After all, social circles form around commonalities…
(It’s very organic).
Who gives a fuck as long as you’re satisfied with the results of your lifestyle?
I’ve seen skinny hipsters pull more / higher quality ass than juiced up bodybuilders just because they project stronger inner-game.
Life becomes a lot richer when you understand how to harvest the fruits of your particular niche.
Being A “Winner” Is A State Of Mind
It’s hard to stay true to your inner-power when you don’t see immediate external results, but don’t fret…
Success will appear on the horizon as long as you stay on course.
The most rewarding aspect of a winning mindset is the increased satisfaction you get out of your lifestyle.
When you consistently channel your greatest self, external validation loses its potency.
Even legends like Arnold Schwarzenegger have fallen “victim” to one-itis and pedestalization in their youth.
For every girl who partook in his orgies, there was another who was turned off by his massive muscles.
Does this make him a loser?
Of course not…
He found his niche, dedicated his life to his passion, and maximized his potential.
Being a “winner” means understanding what you want out of life and going after it without shame.
P.S. Enjoy this post? Read “ON! For Him“.
It contains my best game essays, organized for your convenience.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
Great article. I’m going through this exact scenario right now, trying to maintain an alpha frame of mind while in a completely new environment. This was a much-needed read. Cheers.