What is something sorely lacking in today’s world?
Which is sad, because using Twitter the right way can change your life forever.
- Better connections
- Better dating
- More $
I googled “twitter etiquette” to see what “the experts” had to say, and I couldn’t believe what kind of cringe they were writing:
- “Don’t swear”
- “Use correct spelling”
- “Don’t retweet yourself”
- “Don’t talk about yourself”
All 100% garbage which doesn’t matter at all.
(And even keeps you from growing).
What Makes Me Qualified To Tell You This?
99% of twitter accounts have less than 1,000 followers.
My account @misterinfinite1 has 3,912+ and is growing.
This puts me in the top 1% of all twitter accounts.
Not only that, the account has high quality followers which are worth a lot more than the average normie consumer.
And How Did I Do This?
By knowing how to carry myself and dealing dopamine the RIGHT way.
You see, people go on Twitter for stimulation.
- Could be interesting info
- Could be ego affirmation
- Could be funny memes
They need an incentive to follow you or respond to your DM’s.
And if you don’t give them one, you won’t get any engagement.
However, the type of content you produce creates the quality of your audience.
If you’re only posting 100% entertainment content, you will attract low quality followers.
To attract higher quality followers, you also want to provide niche content about your industry:
- Case studies
- Stories
- Etc
Now let’s look at what to avoid.
Twitter Etiquette: What To Avoid
- Jumping in someone’s DM without first following + engaging
- Plugging links + offers under someone else’s tweet
- Sending DM’s / comments with zero value
- Tagging a bunch of bigger accounts
- Replying to a tweet by re-wording it
See the recurring theme?
All these mistakes happen because people approach the world by TAKING value.
Instead, you want to LEAD with value first.
Give. Give. Give. Give. Give. Give. Ask.
Only comment out of self-amusement or if you have something to add to the conversation.
- Give people incentives to follow + engage + respond
- Respect people’s time
- Avoid leeching
- Lead with value
Sounds simple, because it is.
Yet, many still fail to follow these principles.
Want to learn more?
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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