It’s easy to become consumed by the “physical world.”
Our focus gravitates towards what’s immediately visible on the surface:
- Money
- Relationships
- Status
- Possessions.
But these things are only the tip of the iceberg.
(The results of an underlying process).
What if I told you that this “physical world” is only a shadow, a lower-density projection of a far greater reality?
This isn’t esoteric theory – it’s a practical truth that, once understood, can radically transform your life.
The Spiritual World Is the Root Cause
The spiritual world is the real world.
Changes there ripple outward and manifest in the physical plane.
Imagine the spiritual world as the projector and the physical world as the screen.
The screen reflects the images projected onto it, but you can’t change the images by altering the screen.
You must return to the projector and adjust the lens.
This perspective shifts the way we approach challenges.
If you focus solely on external circumstances – reacting to situations as they arise – you’re playing with shadows, chasing after-effects.
This keeps you in a reactive state, constantly responding to the results of deeper causes that remain invisible.
The physical world is dense, like vapor condensed into ice.
While we interact with it daily, it’s the end result of an intricate, energetic process that begins in the spiritual realm.
By addressing the spiritual root causes, you gain the power to shape outcomes before they solidify in the physical world.
Internal Change Precedes External Results
Why must you change internally to see external changes?
Because the external world is a reflection of your inner state.
- Beliefs
- Emotions
- And thought patterns
act as a lens through which your spiritual energy flows.
If your inner lens is clouded by:
- Fear
- Doubt
- Or limiting beliefs
the external world will mirror those distortions.
Consider this:
Have you ever noticed how your mood colors your perception?
On a bad day, even minor inconveniences can feel catastrophic.
On a good day, those same inconveniences barely register.
This isn’t just a psychological phenomenon – it’s a spiritual principle.
Your internal state magnetizes and filters your reality, shaping the:
- Opportunities
- Challenges
- And people
that appear in your life.
If you’re dissatisfied with your current circumstances, the solution isn’t to force external change.
Instead, turn inward.
- Align your energy
- Clarify your vision
- And release emotional baggage that keeps you anchored to unwanted outcomes.
When you adjust your inner state, the external world begins to shift in response, like a mirror reflecting a new image.
Stop Playing With Shadows
Most people are stuck in the reactive mode of life.
They deal with surface-level issues:
- Financial stress
- Relationship conflicts
- Or health problems
without ever addressing the underlying energetic patterns.
It’s like trying to change a movie by yelling at the screen.
This reactive mindset keeps you trapped in a cycle of chasing temporary fixes.
You solve one problem, only for another to arise, often in a different form.
Because the root cause remains untouched.
To escape this cycle, you must step away from the shadows and address the source.
Return to the projector.
Adjust the lens.
Gain clarity about the spiritual dynamics at play.
This requires a willingness to look beyond appearances and take responsibility for your inner world.
Understanding Root Causes and Arrangements
The spiritual world operates through unseen arrangements and principles.
These root causes govern the flow of energy into the physical world.
Imagine planting a garden.
If the soil is toxic or the seeds are unhealthy, no amount of watering or sunlight will produce a thriving crop.
In the same way, your external world reflects the energetic “soil” of your inner self.
To create lasting change, you must nurture this soil by aligning with higher frequencies of thought and emotion.
- Gratitude
- Love
- And clarity
are high-vibrational states that act as fertile ground for positive outcomes.
This understanding also highlights the importance of discernment.
Not all spiritual changes yield beneficial outcomes.
Just as planting weeds will choke a garden, cultivating fear or anger in your inner world will produce unwanted results.
Learning to consciously choose your inner states is a key part of mastering your reality.
The Danger of “Daydreaming”
At this point, you might think the answer is to spend all your time visualizing and “daydreaming” about a better life.
But this is a trap.
While imagination is a powerful tool for accessing the spiritual world, it must be paired with intentional action in the physical world.
Daydreaming without grounded action is like planting seeds and never watering them.
It creates a disconnect between your spiritual energy and the material reality it’s meant to influence.
Instead, aim to integrate the two realms.
Use spiritual insight to guide practical decisions, and let physical results inform further spiritual adjustments.
Changing the Lens
Changing the lens through which you view the world is a deeply personal process.
It begins with awareness.
Ask yourself:
- What patterns keep repeating in my life?
- What emotions do I default to in challenging situations?
- What beliefs shape my perception of what’s possible?
Once you identify these patterns, you can begin to shift them.
- Visualization
- Meditation
- And journaling
are excellent tools for this work.
Imagine yourself as the director of a film, rewriting the script and adjusting the lighting to create a different scene.
Affirmations and mantras can also help reprogram your inner lens.
However, they must be used authentically.
Empty repetition won’t produce results.
Instead, connect deeply with the energy behind the words, allowing them to resonate with your core.
Controlling the Source
When you focus on the source – the spiritual world – you step into a state of creation rather than reaction.
This doesn’t mean you’ll never face challenges.
Life will always present opportunities for growth.
But instead of being tossed around by external circumstances, you’ll approach them with clarity and confidence, knowing they are reflections of a deeper process you can influence.
Controlling the source requires discipline.
It’s not a one-time fix but a lifelong practice of aligning with higher truths.
It involves trusting in the unseen and committing to inner work even when external results take time to appear.
Over time, this approach cultivates a sense of mastery.
You begin to see the interconnectedness of all things, recognizing that what happens “out there” is a direct result of what’s happening “in here.”
This awareness empowers you to live intentionally, shaping your reality from the inside out.
Practical Steps to Begin
If you’re ready to step into this higher level of understanding, here are some practical steps to start:
- Meditate Daily: Meditation helps you access the spiritual realm and gain clarity on your inner state. Even 10 minutes a day can make a difference.
- Journal Regularly: Writing down your thoughts and emotions reveals patterns that may be influencing your external reality.
- Visualize with Emotion: When visualizing your desired outcomes, engage your emotions. Feel as though the change has already occurred.
- Take Inspired Action: Use your spiritual insights to guide practical actions in the physical world.
- Practice Gratitude: Gratitude is a high-frequency emotion that attracts positive experiences. Make it a daily habit.
The spiritual world is the real world, the projector from which all physical experiences are cast.
By focusing on this higher reality, you gain the ability to shape your life with intention rather than reacting to after-effects.
Stop playing with shadows.
Go to the source.
Adjust your lens.
When you align your inner world with:
- Clarity
- Love
- And purpose
the external world can’t help but follow suit.
Master this principle, and you’ll unlock the power to create a life that reflects your highest vision.
Want access to more powerful insights?
Read “Twitter Meditations“.
It’s a collection of golden maxims proven to help increase income, develop better relationships, attain greater freedom, and live a better life!
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.