Can you really be allergic to wealth and prosperity?
The science™️ says YES.
Here are 11 traits that make you allergic to money.
If you have any of them, it’s a 100% guarantee you will never be rich or successful.
1. You Hate Rich People
You can’t attract what you despise.
If you hate rich people, you will NEVER become one of them.
(And you will shut yourself off from opportunities in that direction).
2. You Think Rich People Are Superhuman
If you think becoming rich is some superhuman task, you won’t even try.
But here are some interesting numbers:
Over 500,000 people in America make over $1 million per year.
And 4,000 people have climbed Mount Everest.
This makes it 125x easier to make $1 million per year than it is to climb Mount Everest.
Many of these 500,000 people are also less smart and less capable than you.
So what makes the difference?
Leverage, position, and ownership.
They don’t work harder than you… they just apply themselves differently.
3. You Don’t Invest In Better Info / Skills / Positioning
If you live life according to the default map you’re handed, it’s a guarantee you will be mediocre (at best).
Successful people are obsessed with constantly improving.
- Getting better information
- Developing high value skills
- Positioning themselves to make more $ with less effort
4. You’re Easily Guilted
- “Why do you work so much?”
- “Stop making me look bad”
- “You changed bro”
You’ll hear many of these things on the way to the top.
This is simply the voices of the crabs trying to pull you back into the bucket.
(Resisting change).
The degree to which you allow these voices to affect you will be the degree to which you succeed.
5. You Don’t Listen To People Better Off
While “not giving a fuck” can be a strong trait in some instances, certain opinions hold higher value.
When successful people talk, you LISTEN.
If they’re warning you about:
- Behaviors
- Habits
- Traps
It’s not very smart to ignore them.
(You’re basically walking into your own doom).
6. You Listen To Every Opinion Of Your Parents
Your parents mean well, but they don’t always know well.
Unless they themselves are good with money, most of their advice in that category won’t help you.
Their primary concern is that you’re safe (mediocre), not that you succeed.
7. You Make Excuses
- “Money doesn’t matter”
- “I come from a poor family”
- “It’s the government’s fault!”
- “Money doesn’t make you happy”
- “My company doesn’t pay me enough”
- “I could have done that but I didn’t feel like it”
The list goes on.
All these mental blocks place chains onto your potential.
8. You Have A Bad Attitude
The attitude that repels money is:
- Victim Minded
- Negative
- Entitled
- Lazy
9. You Have No Initiative
If you require others to motivate you or to hand you a plan for life, you’re sludge.
(Moving too slow).
10. You’re Complacent
It blows my mind how many people graduate high school and never learn anything new.
Many never even crack open a single book again in their entire life.
If you’re complacent with where you are, you won’t achieve much outside of it.
11. You Take No Risk
The good news is, when you understand an edge, you can allow risk to work in your favor.
The game is rigged. It’s up to you to find out how so you can position yourself to benefit.
These 11 traits guarantee you won’t be rich.
However, if you recognize any of them within you, it’s never too late to change.
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.