What’s good it’s MI.
I’m out here getting some calisthenics in.
And today I want to talk to you about weird signs you’re on the right path in life.
Deep within you, you know what your path is.
It might be covered up with a whole bunch of excuses and layers of bullshit you’ve accumulated throughout life.
That’s the main thing that holds people back.
They’re living out a fake story because they have blocks in their head.
These blocks are often emotional.
- The need to please others.
- Living out the life other people want you to have.
- Bowing to petty pressures of some weesh group that isn’t even your friends.
And when you listen to that you attract more of it.
When you start trusting your intuition more, you start seeing more and more signs.
A lot of people have their dream in their head or they look at pictures on Instagram and think:
It’s all just a dream.
But if you can see it, you can achieve it.
All these places are real.
You can go there and interact with them.
And the more you start throwing fuel onto that fire, the more you’ll see a bunch of really weird coincidences happen.
I always say, there’s no such thing as a coincidence because everything is connected.
Say you go somewhere new, that you’ve always seen in your head and think would be cool to explore.
Then, next thing you know, you find a piece of paper on the ground with some kind of message that really sticks out to you and completely changes the course of your life.
It sounds really crazy but when you start doing it, it’ll happen more and more.
Another example is:
You go to a place and you overhear a conversation next to you and it completely shifts the lens through which you’re viewing things.
Those old limits then are all of a sudden seen in a new light, and you realize that you’ve been holding yourself back for no reason.
One big shift for me was:
I used to play GTA as a teenager on Playstation.
The more I started embracing my intuition the more I started thinking:
Why am I not building a more awesome life in real life instead of building an awesome life in this video game world?
And a lot of people have that same block.
They think:
- It’s unrealistic
- People don’t live like that
- It’s corny
- Or whatever else you think
But the truth is, you really can live out your vision.
You just need the faith to take those first steps, and those signs will keep presenting themselves.
When you’re in full alignment, it’s a constant flow.
You’ll be getting hit with information and signs from every angle, like everything you visualize in your head is just happening all the time.
Then you’re fully the person who you always thought you were.
You just need the balls to embrace your real self and make it external.
Because if you aren’t being that real self, you’re living out this fake shell.
This cardboard cutout.
And that cardboard cutout attracts what is alike for it.
So you won’t see the signs because your mind will have blinders on.
You’ll think these signs don’t exist.
- It’s all fake
- It’s all just coincidence
- None of this is real
- There’s no deeper unfolding behind any of it
And you’ll keep all of it away from you.
Whose fault is that?
It’s your fault.
So trust yourself to follow the signs of your intuition.
They’re waiting for you to listen.
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(and share this muthafucka right now).
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My name is Mister Infinite. I've written 600+ articles for people who want more out of life. Within this website you will find the motivation and action steps to live a better lifestyle.
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